Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Canada)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Review of the Canadian and Swedish Experience for the Control of Indoor Radon / 1987
Acid precipitation in the Great Lakes - Southeastern Canada Region / 1979
Air pollution control handbook 1990
Airborne asbestos health assessment update. 1986
Bibliography : atmospheric sector of the federal long-range transport of air pollutants (LRTAP) program : 1973-1985 1985
Canada's emissions outlook : an update / 1999
Canada's guidelines for indoor air quality : Rationale and scope / 1988
Canada/United States Air Quality Agreement, progress report. 1992
Canadian 1996 NOx/VOC science assessment : summary for policy makers : a synthesis of the key results of the NOx/VOC Science Program. 1997
Canadian emissions inventory of criteria air contaminants (1990) 1996
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators : air quality. 2023
Computer Mapping as an Aid in Air Pollution Studies. Volume II. Individual Reports. Report E. Montreal Region Study. 1970
Development of seasonal and annual biogenic emissions inventories for the U.S. and Canada 1991
Development of seasonal and annual biogenic emissions inventories for the U.S. and Canada / 1991
Ethylene in the environment : scientific criteria for assessing its effects on environmental quality / 1985
Evaluation of a controlled air municipal incinerator 1976
Gridded annual air pollutant emissions east of the Rocky Mountains / 1979
Ground-level ozone and its precursors, 1980-1993 : report of the Data Analysis Working Group. 1997
Ground-level ozone and precursor monitoring guidelines and implementation report : report of the Ambient Air Monitoring Working Group. 1997
Identifying subgroups of the general population that may be susceptible to short-term increases in particulate air pollution : a time-series study in Montreal, Quebec / 2000
Modelling of ground-level ozone in the lower Fraser Valley : report of the Lower Fraser Valley Modelling and Measurement Working Group. 1997
Modelling of ground-level ozone in the Windsor-Qu ebec City corridor and in the southern Atlantic region : report of the WQC Corridor and Southern Atlantic Region Working Group. 1997
National air pollution surveillance ; annual summary : Surveillance nationale de la pollution atmospherique ; extrait annuel / 1970
National air pollution surveillance, annual summary = Surveillance nationale de la pollution atmospherique, sommaire annuel. 1970
National air pollution surveillance; monthly summary. Surveillance nationale de la pollution atmospherique; extrait mensuel. 1970
National inventory of sources and emissions of carbon dioxide (1987) / 1990
National inventory of sources and emissions of chlorine (1978) / 1983
National inventory of sources and emissions of lead (1978) / 1983
National inventory of sources and emissions of phosphorus (1978) / 1983
National urban air quality trends 1981-1990 1994
Nationwide inventory of emissions of air contaminants (1978) 1983
Photochemical air pollution : formation, transport and effects / 1975
Proceedings of the Air Quality Criteria Workshop, January 17-19, 1978 : held at the Atmospheric Environment Service, Fisheries and Environment Canada / 1978
Publications 1986
Recommended reporting requirements for the locomotive emissions monitoring (LEM) program : a background report / 1994
Report of the Health Objective Working Group. 1997
Report of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada on the Pollution of the Atmosphere in the Detroit River Area. 1960
Report of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada on the Pollution of the Atmosphere in the Detroit River Area. 1960
Seasonal and annual biogenic emission inventories for the U.S. and Canada / 1992
Some Results of the Detroit-Windsor Air Pollution Survey. 1958
Standard reference methods for source testing : measurement of emissions of mercury from mercury cell chlor-alkali plants = Methodes uniformes de reference pour le controle a la source des emiss ions de mercure par les fabriques de chlore. 1977
The 2008 Canadian atmospheric assessment of agricultural ammonia. 2009
The National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program : air pollution control technology : summary report / 1986
U.S. and Canadian emissions inventory : 1985 / 1988
United States - Canada memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution : atmospheric modelling : interim report. 1981
United States-Canada air quality agreement. 1992
United States-Canada memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution : emissions, costs and engineering assessment : interim report. 1981
United States-Canada memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution : final report 1982
United States-Canada memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution : final report-technical basis 1982
United States-Canada memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution emissions, costs and engineering assessment : interim report. 1981

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