Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Washington Metropolitan Area)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution and health in Washington, D.C. : some acute health effects of air pollution in the Washington metropolitan area / 1977
Air pollution report, Federal facilities : National Capital Interstate Air Quality Control Region / 1970
Calculating future carbon monoxide emissions and concentrations from urban traffic data / 1970
Characterization of the Washington, D.C. oxidant problem : final report / 1977
Characterization of Washington, D.C. carbon monoxide problem / 1977
Future ambient SO 2 1980
Metropolitan Tracer Experiment (METREX) / 1985
Motor coach idling field observation study for Washington, DC, metro area / 2006
Plan to improve air quality in the Washington, DC-MD-VA region / 2007
Report for Consultation on the Washington, D. C. National Capital Interstate Air Quality Control Region. 1968
Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area Air Pollution Abatement Activity. 1967

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