Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Health aspects Research)

Select Item Title Year Published
Daily changes in oxygen saturation and pulse rate associated with particulate air pollution and barometric pressure 1999
Development of statistical methods for multipollutant research / 2015
Development of statistical methods for multipollutant research : Part 3. modeling of multipollutant profiles and spatially varying health effects with applications to indicators of adverse birth outcomes/ 2015
Effects of short-term exposure to air pollution on hospital admissions of young children for acute lower respiratory infection in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / 2012
Health research to support risk assessment / 1992
Particulate air pollution and daily mortality : replication and validation of selected studies : the Phase I report of the Particle Epidemiology Evaluation Project. 1995
Particulate air pollution and daily mortality analyses of the effects of weather and multiple air pollutants : the Phase I.B report of the Particle Epidemiology Evaluation Project. 1997
Particulate air pollution and daily mortality replication and validation of selected studies / 1995
Quantitative exposure assessment / 2008
Strategic research plan for particulate matter / 2002

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