Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air sampling apparatus)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A battery-operated air sampler for remote areas / 1979
A new carbon-bond mechanism for air quality simulation modeling / 1982
Advancements in air pollution monitoring equipment and procedures : 2-6 June 1985, Freiburg im Breisgau, Federal Republic of Germany : workshop / 1985
Advances in air sampling. 1988
Air Methods Database users manual. 1992
Air monitoring / 1991
Air monitoring for toxic exposures 2004
Air monitoring for toxic exposures : an integrated approach / 1991
Air monitoring methods for industrial contaminants 1983
Air quality instrumentation; 1972
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants / 1983
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants. 1960
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants. 1989
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants. 2001
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants. 1966
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants. 1978
Air sampling procedures and measurements of the air composition of the second boat pit of Khufu's Pyramid / 1988
Aircraft measurements of pollutants and meteorological parameters during the Sulfate Regional Experiment (SURE) program : Meteorological Research, Inc. / 1981
Aircraft measurements of pollutants and meteorological parameters during the Sulfate Regional Experiment (SURE) program : Research Triangle Institute, Inc. ; principal investigators: J.B. Tommerdahl ... [et al.] ; prepared for Electric Power Research Institute. 1981
American national standard for air sampling devices : diffusive type for gases and vapors in working environments / 2009
An evaluation of personal sampling pumps in sub-zero temperatures / 1977
Analysis of air pollutants 1976
Atmospheric measurement : papers from the 9th World Clean Air Congress, Towards the year 2000--critical issues in the global environment, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 30-September 4, 1992 / 1992
Benzene continuous emission monitoring systems for gasoline bulk storage / 1987
Benzene continuous emission monitoring systems for gasoline bulk storage : project summary / 1988
Collaborative study of reference method for determination of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere (pararosaniline method) / 1971
Collaborative study of reference method for determination of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere (pararosaniline method) : (24-hour sampling) / 1973
Collaborative study of reference method for the continuous measurement of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere (non-dispersive infrared spectrometry) 1972
Collaborative study of reference method for the determination of suspended particulates in the atmosphere (high volume method) / 1971
Comparative study of air classifiers / 1981
Comparison of wet chemical and instrumental methods for measuring airborne sulfate / 1977
Data report for acid model operational/diagnostic evaluation study --G-1 aircraft results : Spring 1990 field study to ENSR Consulting and Engineering and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1991
Determination of nonmethane organic carbon (NMOC) by cryogenic preconcentration and flame ionization detection / 1981
Develop, evaluate and validate continuous emission monitors for designated hazardous pollutants / 1985
Development of a high volume surface sampler for pesticides in floor dust / 1988
Development of air particulate monitoring systems / 1974
Development of air sampling methodology / 1975
Development of an optical monitor for toxic organic compounds in air / 1985
Development of collection methods for semivolatile organic compounds in ambient air / 1987
Development of collection methods for semivolatile organic compounds in ambient air / 1988
Development of instrumentation for measurement of stationary source aldehyde, organic acid, and amine emissions / 1973
Development of selective hydrocarbon sampling system and field evaluation with conventional analytical system / 1975
Development, design, and operation of a cascade impactor to collect aerosol samples for wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis / 1983
Diffusive sampling an alternative approach to workplace air monitoring : the proceedings of an international symposium held in Luxembourg, 22-26 September 1986, organised jointly by the Commission of the European Communities and the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive in cooperation with the United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry and the World Health Organisation / 1987
Direct reading colorimetric indicator tubes manual. 1976
Drager-tube handbook : soil, water and air investigations as well as technical gas analysis. 1998
Evaluation of ambient air quality by personnel monitoring 1981
Evaluation of ambient air quality by personnel monitoring. 1974
Evaluation of collection media for low levels of airborne pesticides / 1977
Evaluation of portable direct-reading NO-NOx meter 1975
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