Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air quality standards)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Breath of fresh air : reviving the New Source Review Program : report / 2003
Business Roundtable air quality project. 1980
Calls for state implementation plan (SIP) revisions : technical support document. 1984
Carbon monoxide air quality trends and information for the cities listed in the national clean air coalition : attachment 1. 1982
Carbon monoxide analysis of future attainment of the NAAQS in Wichita, Kansas / 1985
Carbon monoxide measurements in the vicinity of sports stadiums / 1973
Carbon monoxide national ambient air quality standards : scope and methods plan for health risk and exposure assessment. 2009
Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Scope and Methods Plan for Health Risk and Exposure Assessment. 2009
CASAC findings and recommendations on the scientific basis for a revised NAAQS for carbon monoxide. 1984
CASAC recommendations on the Pollutant Standards Index / 1990
CASAC review of Particulate matter urban-focused visibility assessment, second external review draft (January 2010). 2010
CASAC review of Quantitative health risk assessment for particulate matter- second external review draft (February 2010). 2010
Characterization of emissions from motor vehicles designed for low NOx emissions / 1980
Characterization of particulate sources influencing monitoring sites in Region VIII non-attainment areas. 1976
Characterization of PM 10 and TSP air quality around western surface coal mines / 1982
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1991: Detailed Summary of Titles. 1990
Clean Air Act Title V : operating permits workshop manual. 1992
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Lead Review Panel's consultation on EPA's draft Analysis plan for human health and ecological risk assessment for the review of the lead national ambient air quality standards. 2006
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee recommendations concerning the final national ambient air quality standards for particulate matter. 2006
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) Ozone Review Panel's peer review of the Agency's Air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants (first external review draft), volumes I, II, and III, (EPA/600/R-05/004aA, bA, and cA, January 2005). 2005
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) peer review of the Agency's 2nd draft ozone staff paper 2006
Clean air through transportation : challenges in meeting national air quality standards : a joint report from the United States Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency, pursuant to Section 108(f)(3) of the Clean Air Act. 1993
Clean Automotive Technology Program : developing cleaner and more efficient vehicles and engines for tomorrow / 2006
Cleaner cars module : an initiative to encourage responsible car maintenance and driving habits among future drivers. 1997
Closer Look at Our Neighbors to the South: Air Quality Trends, Standards, and Monitoring Programs of Latin American Countries. 1997
CMAQ in the States: A Preliminary Assessment of the CMAQ Program's Contribution towards Meeting Ozone Standards. Selected State Profiles. 1998
Combined national and state-level health benefits for the cross-state air pollution rule and mercury and air toxics standards / 2011
Comments and recommendations concerning EPA's Proposed rule for the revision of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for nitrogen dioxide. 2009
Comments of the American Petroleum Institute on the second external review draft of the revised air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides. 1981
Commercial marine vessel contributions to emission inventories : final report / 1991
Companion guidance for the July 1, 2004 final transportation conformity rule : conformity implementation in multi-jurisdictional nonattainment and maintenance areas for existing and new air quality standards / 2004
Companion guidance for the July 1, 2004 final transportation conformity rule : conformity implementation in multi-jurisdictional nonattainment and maintenance areas for existing and new air quality standards / 2004
Comparison of air quality model estimates with measured SO2 concentrations near March Point, Washington / 1986
Comparison of exhaust emission measurements by the Federal Register procedures and by a Beckman 6800 gas chromatograph / 1973
Comparison of Indian lands to air quality nonattainment areas 1992
Compilation of ozone and carbon monoxide : "SIP call" letters issued pursuant to section 110(a)(2)H of the Clean Air Act. 1988
Compliance Assistance Tool for CCA Regulations: Subpart GGG of 40 CFR Part 63 - NESHAPs for Source Category Pharmaceuticals Production. 2002
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1977
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1977
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1976
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic impact of air quality standards. 1972
Consistency and transparency in determination of EPA's anticipated ozone designations. 2002
Consultation on EPA's draft Integrated review plan for the ozone national ambient air quality standards for ozone. 2009
Consultation on EPA's particulate matter national ambient air quality standards : scope and methods plan for health risk and exposure assessment. 2009
Consultation on EPA's particulate matter national ambient air quality standards : scope and methods plan for urban visibility impact assessment. 2009
Consultation on EPA's proposed approach for developing lead dust hazard standards for residential buildings and commercial and public buildings / 2010
Control measures to assure attainment of the TSP and Proposed PM10 NAAQS in the Catano Air Basin. / 1985
Control of Atmospheric Emissions from Feed & Gluten Driers in the Corn Wet Milling Process / 1973
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from air oxidation processes in synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry / 1984
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from full-web process-color heatset web offset lithographic printing plants / 1981
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