Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air quality management Economic aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of costs of hazardous air pollutant controls under administration bill, H.R. 2585, and S. 816 / 1989
Climate change : designing a practical tax system. 1992
Cost and emission reduction of the MACT floor level of control : memorandum. 2010
Costs of air pollution control : analyses of emission control options for ozone abatement strategies / 2005
Diesel Emissions Quantifier : health benefits methodology. 2010
Energy and cleaner air costs of reducing emissions : summary and analysis, symposium ENCLAIR '86, hosted by ENEA/Italy = Energie et air pur : couts de reduction des emissions : resume et analyse, symposium ENCLAIR '86, a l'invitation de l'ENEA/Italie. 1987
Estimating the cost of uncertainty in air quality modeling 1986
Final socioeconomic report for the 2007 air quality management plan / 2007
How much is clean air worth? : calculating the benefits of pollution control / 2014
Legal issues related to creation, banking and use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) / 1982
Limiting carbon dioxide emissions : prices versus caps. 2005
Market incentives resource center : online directory of air quality economic incentive programs / 1997
Mobile source emission reduction credits : guidelines for the generation and use of mobile source emission reduction credits / 1996
Mobile source emission reduction credits : guidelines for the generation and use of mobile source emission reduction credits / 1996
OAQPS control cost manual 1996
OAQPS control cost manual. Supplement 2 / 1992
OAQPS control cost manual. Supplement 3. Hoods, ductwork, and stacks / 1994
Ozone protection in the United States : elements of success / 1996
Regulatory impact analysis for the final reclassification of major sources as area sources under section 112 of the Clean Air Act : final report / 2020
Regulatory impact analysis for the review and reconsideration of the oil and natural gas sector emission standards for new, reconstructed, and modified sources. 2020
Regulatory Impact Analysis of the final revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ground-level ozone. 2015
Shifting the cost burden of a carbon cap-and-trade program. 2003
Specialty Conference on Economic Incentives for Clean Air : January 21-23, 1981, San Francisco Hilton Hotel & Tower, San Francisco, California 1981
Symposium on the air pollution problem : six views of the problem from various perspectives of health, economics, meteorology, and fuel utilization with general discussion and questions. 1965
Systems and costs to control hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources / 1974
The cost of air pollution control to cotton ginners / 1974
Verification of simplified procedures for site-specific SO2 and NOx control cost estimates 1990
Verification of simplified procedures for site-specific SO2 and NOx control cost estimates : project summary / 1990
Who owns the sky? : our common assets and the future of capitalism / 2001

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