Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air pollution model)

Select Item Title Year Published
Adaptation of the Advanced Statistical Trajectory Regional Air Pollution (ASTRAP) Model to the EPA VAX Computer: Modifications and Testing. 1990
AERSCREEN User's Guide / 2011
Climatological Variability in Modeling of Long-Term Regional Transport and Deposition of Air Pollutants. 1985
Development of a Microscale Air Pollution Model for the Traffic Management of the New York City Convention and Exhibtion Center. 1975
Further Studies of Regional Diffusion Modeling in the Northern Great Plains. 1979
Neighborhood Scale Air Quality Modeling in Houston Using Urban Canopy Parameters in MM5 and CMAQ with Improved Characterization of Mesoscale Lake-Land Breeze Circulation. 2004
Simulation Modeling of Atmospheric Deposition of Sulfur from Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions. 1985
Variability in Patterns of Acid Deposition Resulting from Climatological Variability. 1985

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