Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air pollution control industry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A compendium of air pollution control equipment inspection checklists. 1991
A Pilot project to demonstrate the feasibility of a state continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) regulatory program / 1986
Acid rain and emissions trading : implementing a market approach to pollution control 1987
Air pollution control technology and costs in nine selected areas : final report / 1972
Ambient air non-methane hydrocarbon monitor / 1981
Ambient air non-methane hydrocarbon monitor / 1980
Analysis of air toxics emissions, exposures, cancer risks and controllability in five urban areas. v. 1, Base year analysis and results. 1989
Analysis of air toxics emissions, exposures, cancer risks and controllability in five urban areas. v.2, Controllability analysis and results. 1990
Assessment of manufacturer's capabilities to meet requirements for control of emissions of sulfur dioxide particulate matter, and nitrogen oxides from industrial boilers / 1979
Assessment of manufacturers capability to meet requirements for particulate controls on utility and industrial boilers / 1978
Assessment of the state-of-technology of air pollution control equipment and of the impact of clean air regulations on the adequacy of electric power supply of North American bulk power systems : a report / 1972
Automated control : a review and applications in industrial environmental protection / 1984
Business opportunities of the new clean air act : the impact of CAAA of 1990 on the Air Pollution Control Industry / 1992
Clean cities : conference proceedings of the third national clean cities stakeholders conference and expo, June 24-26, 1997. 1997
Combined power plant air pollutant control mega symposium {electronic resource}. 2003
Compilation and speciation of national emission factors for consumer/commercial solvent use : information compiled to support urban air toxics assessment studies. 1989
Compilation guide of procedural decisions on EPA NSPS reference methods / 1984
Control of volatile organic compound equipment leaks from natural gas/ gasoline processing plants / 1983
Control techniques guidelines for offset lithographic printing and letterpress printing. 2006
Control Technology Center : improved technology for environmental protection. 1995
Cost of air and water pollution control, 1976-1985 : agency draft. 1976
Cost of air and water pollution control, 1976-1985 : final draft. 1977
Cost of Air and Water Pollution Control, 1976-1985: Section Three, Agency Draft, February 1976 1976
Development of size-specific data from particulate control technology research reports : project summary / 1993
Development of the 1980 NAPAP emissions inventory / 1987
Development of the 1980 NAPAP emissions inventory : project summary / 1988
Economic impact analysis of the leather tanning and finishing operations NESHAP : final rule / 2001
Economic impact of air pollutant emission guidelines for existing municipal waste combustors : final report / 1989
Economic impact of air pollutant emission standards for new municipal waste combustors : final report / 1989
Emission control technology for two model marine terminals handling crude oil and gasoline / 1978
Emmission reduction banking : an annotated slide presentation / 1980
Engineering and economic factors affecting the installation of control technologies for multipollutant strategies / 2002
Evaluating ozone control programs in the eastern United States : focus on the NOX budget trading program, 2004. 2004
Evaluation of air pollution control devices for hazardous waste combustion 1983
Evaluation of emission factors for formaldehyde from certain wood processing operations / 1987
Evaluation of pilot-scale air pollution control devices on a refuse and coal-fired boiler / 1986
Evaluation of pilot-scale air pollution control devices on a refuse and coal-fired boiler / 1985
Evaluation of potential emissions of TDI from two facilities / 1987
Evaluation of the controllability of SO2 emissions from copper smelters in the state of Arizona / 1975
Evaluation of the Polyad (trademark) FB air purification and solvent recovery system for styrene removal : project summary / 1994
Fabric filter cleaning studies / 1975
Fabric filtration systems design, operation and maintenance 1979
Feasibility of primary copper smelter weak sulfur dioxide stream control / 1980
Feasibility of primary copper smelter weak sulfur dioxide stream control / 1980
Federal grants to state and local air pollution control agencies an assessment of needs / 1995
Flexible vinyl and urethane coating and printing : background information for promulgated standards, final EIS / 1984
Flexible vinyl coating and printing operations : background information for proposed standards / 1983
Flue gas desulfurization system manufacturers survey / 1977
Ground-based sulfur dioxide measurements within a copper smelter plume : Anaconda, Montana / 1978
Guidance document for subpart F : air emission monitoring : land disposal toxic air emissions evaluation guideline. 1980
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