Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 269
Showing: Items 251 - 269
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air force)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The Ice fog problem at Eielson AFB, Alaska / 1966
Time-series ground-water-level and aquifer-system compaction data, Edwards Air Force Base, Antelope Valley, California, January 1991 through September 1993 / 1996
Transect study of the intrinsic bioremediation test plot : Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware, February 13, 2002 / 2002
Transect study of the intrinsic bioremediation test plot Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware, February 13, 2002 / {electronic resource} : 2002
Transect Study of the Intrinsic Bioremediation Test Plot. Dover Air Force Base Dover, Delaware. 2002
United States Air Force Management & Equipment Evaluation Program : MEEP for transportation & civil engineering (AFI 24-305) : consolidated status report, 1 April 1996 - 30 September 1996. 1997
Use of Borehole-Radar Methods to Monitor a Steam-Enhanced Remediation Pilot Study at a Quarry at the Former Loring Air Force Base, Maine. 2006
VOC emission reduction study at the Hill Air Force Base Building 151 painting facility : project summary / 1992
VOC emission reduction study at the Hill Air Force Base Building 515 painting facility : project summary / 1992
Waste Disposal Studies, Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware. 1965
Waste minimization opportunities for the U.S. Air Force Reserve 1991
Waste minimization opportunity assessment : Scott Air Force Base. 1991
Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: Scott Air Force Base. 1991
Waste Water Disposal at Federal Installations in the United States, State of California. 1968
Water Contamination in Fallout Areas. 1958
Water pollution survey, Moody AFB, Ga. 1974
Williams Air Force Base air quality monitoring study / 1980
Williams Air Force Base Air Quality Monitoring Study. Appendices. 1980
XL Project Progress Report : Vandenberg Air Force Base - ENVVEST / 1999
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