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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Congresses)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Air pollution" : proceedings of the 21st International Conference held at the Carrigaline Court Hotel, Carrigaline, Co. Cork, on 21st & 22nd April 2005 / 2005
"Particles--liquid and solid : their role in air pollution" : APCA proceedings of the semi-annual technical conference, November 18-19, 1957, San Francisco, Calif. 1957
10th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with A&WMA, January 28-February 2, 1996, Atlanta, Georgia 1998
11th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with A&WMA, 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California ; Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry : issues in the 21st century, 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California / 2000
1997 proceedings Air & Waste Management Association's 90th annual meeting & exhibition Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 8-13, 1997. [electronic resource] : 1997
2006 Environmental Partnership Summit : September 26-27, Research Triangle Park, NC: Summit Agenda. 2006
3rd joint conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology January 12-15, 1982 {Extended abstracts} / 1981
6th Water and Air Conference : {papers presented}. 1970
A & WMA's 101st annual conference & exhibition : integrating science and sustainability. 2008
A & WMA's 98th annual conference & exhibition exploring innovative solutions, the premier environmental education, networking, and solutions event, June 21-24, 2005, Minneapolis, Minnesota. [electronic resource] : 2005
A Specialty Conference on Emission Inventories & Air Quality Management : April 27-30, 1982, Sheraton-Royal Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri / 1982
A Specialty Conference on Receptor Models Applied to Contemporary Pollution Problems, October 17-20, 1982, Radisson-Ferncroft Hotel, Danvers, Massachusetts / 1982
Abstract book from the Air & Waste Management Association 97th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 22-25, 2004. 2004
Abstract book from the Air & Waste Management Association 98th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 21-24, 2005. 2004
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 86th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, June 13-18, 1993. 1993
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 88th Annual Meeting & Exhibition : San Antonio, Texas, June 18-23, 1995. 1995
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, June 8-13, 1997. 1997
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 91st Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, California, June 14-18, 1998. 1998
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 92nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, St. Louis, Missouri, June 21-24, 1999. 1999
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 93rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18-22, 2000. 2000
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 94th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 24-28, 2001. 2001
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 95th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, June 23-27, 2002. 2002
Abstracts book from the Air & Waste Management Association 96th Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Diego, California, June 22-26, 2003. 2003
Advances in controlled clinical inhalation studies / 1993
Aerosols, anthropogenic and natural, sources and transport / 1980
Air and water pollution; proceedings of the summer workshop, August 3 to August 15, 1970, University of Colorado. 1972
Air conservation - whose responsibility / 1969
Air modeling : papers from the 85th annual meeting and exhibition / 1992
Air pollution : Symposium on Low Pollution Power Systems Development = Pollution atmospherique : Symposium pour la mise au point d'industries a sable degre de {sic} / 1973
Air Pollution and Control / 2018
Air pollution and plants 1985
Air pollution by nitrogen oxides : proceedings of the US-Dutch international symposium, Maastricht, the Netherlands, May 24-28, 1982 1982
Air pollution control : equipment, inspection and maintenance, fuels, management ; papers from the 85th Annual Meeting and Exhibition / 1992
Air pollution control : national and international perspectives : selected readings prepared in conjunction with the Aspen Berlin Conference, April 8-11, 1979 1980
Air pollution control : papers from the 9th World Clean Air Congress, Towards the year 2000--critical issues in the global environment, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 30-September 4, 1992 / 1992
Air pollution control and clean energy 1976
Air pollution criteria--the medical basis : proceedings held October 2-3, 1972 1972
Air pollution effects on biodiversity / 1992
Air pollution effects on plant growth : a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry at the 167th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., April 1, 1974 / 1974
Air pollution First International Conference on Air Pollution / 1993
Air pollution from agricultural operations III : proceedings of the third International Symposium, 12-15 October, 2003, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2003
Air pollution IV : monitoring, simulation, and control / 1996
Air Pollution Medical Research Conference [papers.] [Held at] Roosevelt Hotel, October 5-7. 1970
Air pollution, global change and forests in the new millennium 2003
Air pollution, proceedings. 1952
Air quality and atmospheric science : proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Atmospheric Science and its Application to Air Quality / 1999
Air quality and lead : symposium papers and accompanying discussions, 157th natinal meeting, Minneapolis, Minn., April 14-15, 1969. 1970
Air toxics issues in the 1990's : policies, strategies, and compliance. 1991
Air-stream pollution control : proceedings of a seminar / 1958
Atmosphere-surface exchange of particulate and gaseous pollutants (1974) : proceedings of a symposium held at Richland, Washington, September 4-6, 1974 1976
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