Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Statistics)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Preliminary Risk-Based Screening Approach for Air Toxics Monitoring Data Sets. 2006
Air pollution and community health a critical review and data sourcebook / 1993
Air quality in selected urban areas, 1975-1976 1978
An approach for the preliminary assessment of TSP concentrations / 1978
Automobile exhaust emission surveillance analysis of the FY 1974 program. 1976
Characterization of available nationwide air toxics emissions data / 1984
Continuous air monitoring program in Washington, D.C., 1962-1963. 1966
National air pollutant emission estimates, 1970-1978 / 1980
Pilot study of ambient air pollution and survival from cancer / 1980
SOTDAT : final report / 1975
Statistical methods for epidemiologic studies of the health effects of air pollution 1999
Survey reports on atmospheric emissions from the petrochemical industry / 1974
Trends '91 : a compendium of data on global change / 1991
Trends '91 : a compendium of data on global change : highlights / 1992
Trends '93 : a compendium of data on global change / 1994
Trends '93 : a compendium of data on global change / 1993

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