Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 63
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution adverse effects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A breath of air : what pollution is doing to our children = Al respirar aire : como afecta la contaminación a nuestros hijos. 2004
Advances in controlled clinical inhalation studies / 1993
Adverse reproductive health outcomes and exposure to gaseous and particulate-matter air pollution in pregnant women / 2016
Aerosols handbook : measurement, dosimetry, and health effects / 2005
Aerosols handbook : measurement, dosimetry, and health effects / 2013
Air : toxic risk assessment and management : public health risks from normal operations / 1996
Air pollutants and the respiratory tract 1999
Air pollution : estimated emissions from two new Mexicali power plants are low, but health impacts are unknown : report to congressional requesters. 2005
Air pollution and community health a critical review and data sourcebook / 1993
Air pollution and health / 1999
Air pollution and health / 2006
Air pollution and health effects in children residing in Akron, Ohio {microform} / 1981
Air pollution effects on ventricular repolarization : with a critique by the HEI Health Review Committee / 2009
Air pollution environmental issues and health effects / 1991
Air pollution impacts on crops and forests : a global assessment / 2003
Air pollution in Donora, Pa., epidemiology of the unusual smog episode of Oct. 1948; 1949
Air pollution injury to vegetation / 1970
Air quality guidelines for Europe. 2000
Air quality guidelines for Europe. 1987
Air quality in urban environments / 2009
Air-borne sulphur pollution : effects and control : report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution / 1984
Ambient air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Wuhan, China / 2016
Assessing adverse health effects of long-term exposure to low levels of ambient air pollution : phase 1 / 2019
Bioaerosols handbook / 1995
Catching your breath strategies to reduce environmental factors that contribute to asthma in children / {electronic resource} : 2003
Causal inference methods for estimating long-term health effects of air quality regulations / 2016
Chronic respiratory diseases in children in relation to air pollution : report on a WHO study / 1980
Clinical handbook of air pollution-related diseases / 2018
Daily changes in oxygen saturation and pulse rate associated with particulate air pollution and barometric pressure 1999
Developing multipollutant exposure indicators of traffic pollution : the Dorm Room Inhalation to Vehicle Emissions (DRIVE) study / 2018
Diesel fuel and exhaust emissions. 1996
Effect of concentrated ambient particulate matter on blood coagulation parameters in rats 2002
Effects of air pollution on health outcomes 1985
Effects of concentrated ambient particles in rats and hamsters : an exploratory study / 2000
Epidemiology and air pollution 1985
Estimating mortality risk reduction and economic benefits from controlling ozone air pollution / 2008
Estimating mortality risk reduction and economic benefits from controlling ozone air pollution / 2008
Exposure and human health evaluation of airborne pollution from the World Trade Center disaster. 2002
Hazardous air pollutants : case studies from Asia / 2016
Health effects of ambient air pollution : how safe is the air we breathe? / 2000
Health effects of fossil fuel burning : assessment and mitigation / 1980
Health effects of fossil fuel burning : assessment and mitigation / 1980
Impacts of regulations on air quality and emergency department visits in the Atlanta metropolitan area, 1999-2013 / 2018
Incidence of respiratory symptoms and chronic disease in a non-smoking population as a function of long-term cumulative exposure to ambient air pollutants : (Adventist health study of smog follow-up study) / 1994
Indoor air quality and human health / 1985
Indoor and outdoor air pollution and human cancer 1993
Mechanisms of morbidity and mortality from exposure to ambient air particles / 2000
Mobile-source air toxics : a critical review of the literature on exposure and health effects / 2007
Particle-lung interactions / 2010
Particulate air pollutants, brain structure, and neurocognitive disorders in older women / 2017
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