Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1912
Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Measurement)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Carbonaceous aerosol generator for inhalation studies / 1980
CASAC review of EPA's white paper, "Approach for the development of a new federal reference method (FRM) for lead in total suspended particulates (Pb-TSP)". 2010
Cascade impactor network / [by] Robert E. Lee, Jr. and Stephen Goranson. 1972
Case study analyses of air pollution in a mesoscale region / 1973
Catalyst and O2 Sensor Evaluation: final report Work Assignment No. 21 / 1984
Catalyst Evaluation (Cert. FY 87) : Final Report. Contract No. 68-03-3353. Work Assignment No. B-8 / 1987
Catalyst Evaluation : final report. Contract No. 68-03-3353. Work Assignment No. B-9 / 1987
Catalyst Evaluation Testing of Used Catalysts: Contract No. 68-03-3162. 1984
Catalyst Evaluation Testing: final report Work Assignment No. 13 / 1984
Catalyst Evaluation Testing: final report Work Assignment No. 25 / 1985
Catalyst Evaluation Testing: final report Work Assignment No. 26 / 1985
Catalyst Evaluation Testing: Final Report Work Assignment No. 31 / 1985
CEMS pilot project : evaluation of opacity CEMS reliability and QA procedures, volume 1 / 1986
CEMS pilot project : evaluation of opacity CEMS reliability and QA procedures, volume II, appendices / 1986
Characteristics of aerosol samplers used in ambient air monitoring / 1979
Characterization and control of asbestos emissions from open sources / 1974
Characterization of Exhaust Emissions from Alcohol-fueled Vehicles: final report/ 1985
Characterization of fuel and aftertreatment device effects on diesel emissions 1996
Characterization of heavy-duty motor vehicle emissions under transient driving conditions / 1985
Characterization of heavy-duty motor vehicle emissions under transient driving conditions / 1984
Characterization of scrubbed and unscrubbed power plant plumes / 1981
Characterization of scrubbed and unscrubbed power plant plumes : three case studies. 1980
Characterization of smoke emissions from two prescribed fires in the mountain region on North Carolina : final report / 1991
Characterizing sources of indoor air pollution and related sink effects / 1996
CHAVG, a program for computing averages of hourly air pollutant concentrations : user's guide / 1982
CHAVG, a program for computing averages of hourly air pollutant concentrations : user's guide / 1982
Chemical analysis of stationary source particulate pollutants by micro-Raman spectroscopy : interim report / 1978
Chemical detection of gaseous pollutants an annotated bibliography / 1966
Chemical element balance receptor model methodology for assessing the sources of fine and total suspended particulate matter in Portland, Oregon / 1979
Chemiluminescent monitor for vinyl chloride / 1978
Chemiluminescent reactive hydrocarbon analyzer for mobile sources / 1975
Chromosomal abnormalities among welder trainees / 1979
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee teleconference consultation on the Agency's Project work plan for revised air quality criteria for ozone and related photochemical oxidants / 2003
Clean air status and trends network (CASTNet) deposition summary report (1987-1995) 1998
Coding manual for the quality assurance performance audit for aerometric data / 1976
Coke battery survey CF & I Steel Corporation: Pueblo, Colorado [July 25-30, 1977] / 1979
Coke oven charging emission control test program. supplemental observations / 1974
Coke oven charging emission control test program. Vol. 1 / 1974
Collaborative study of method 10 - reference method for determination of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources - report of testing / 1975
Collaborative study of method 104 - reference method for determination of beryllium emission from stationary sources / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of method for the determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (nitric acid plants) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (municipal incinerators) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (Portland cement plants) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of reference method for determination of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere (pararosaniline method) / 1971
Collaborative study of reference method for determination of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere (pararosaniline method) : (24-hour sampling) / 1973
Collaborative study of reference method for the continuous measurement of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere (non-dispersive infrared spectrometry) 1972
Collaborative study of reference method for the determination of suspended particulates in the atmosphere (high volume method) / 1971
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