Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution Computer simulation)

Select Item Title Year Published
Addendum/supplemental information for PAL, HIWAY2, RAM. 1980
Air pollution XIV / 2006
Air pollution XV / 2007
Air quality modeling : theories, methodologies, computational techniques, and available databases and software / 2003
Air quality modeling technical support document : Changes to the renewable fuel standard program. 2010
Assessment of the "VISTAS" version of the CALPUFF modeling system. 2008
CAP88-PC version 2.0 update user's guide / 2000
Controlled evaluation of the reactive environmental simulation model (REM). vol. II user's guide / 1973
Documentation of the evaluation of CALPUFF and other long range transport models using tracer field experiment data / 2012
EPA's approval of the MOVES2010a and EMFAC2007 emissions models for transportation conformity hot-spot analyses, and availability of modeling guidance : questions and answers. 2010
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level / 2002
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level / 2004
Geographic allocation of state level nonroad engine population data to the county level : report no. NR-014 / 1998
Improving performance of the Maryland air management administration ozone model (OZIPM) / 1982
MOBILE4 oxygenated fuels version : user's guide / 1989
Models-3 users' workshop / 2002
NAE Twin Otter operations in the 1988 Eulerian model evaluation field study / 1988
PAL-DS model : the PAL model, including deposition and sedimentation : user's guide / 1982
PAL-DS model : the PAL model, including deposition and sedimentation user's guide / 1982
Procedures for applying city specific EKMA / 1989
Programmer's guide to MOBILE4 : (Mobile Source Emission Factor Model). 1989
ROADWAY--a numerical model for predicting air pollutants near highways : user's guide / 1987
Science algorithms of the EPA models-3 community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system / 1999
Tests of an urban meteorological-pollutant model using CO validation data in the Los Angeles metropolitan area / by Joseph P. Pandolfo and Clifford A. Jacobs. 1973
The regional oxidant model (ROM) user's guide part 3 : the core model / 1991
The regional oxidant model (ROM) user's guide part 4 : the ROM system user tutorial (processor network and core model) / 1991
The Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) user's guide. The ROM preprocessors / 1991
User's guide for CAP88-PC version 1.0 / 1992
User's guide for Hiway-2 : a highway air pollution model / 1980
User's guide for PM10 probability guideline software / 1984
User's guide for POSTZ : a post-processor for the SHORTZ air quality model / 1986
User's guide for the emissions modeling system for hazardous air pollutants (EMS-HAP) version 2.0 / 2002
User's guide for the emissions modeling system for hazardous air pollutants (EMS-HAP, Version 1.1). 2000
User's guide to MOBILE4 : (Mobile Source Emission Factor Model). 1989
User's guide to Mobile4.1 (Mobile source emission factor model). 1991
User's instructions for the SHORTZ and LONGZ computer program (volume II) / 1982
User's instructions for the SHORTZ and LONGZ computer programs (volume I) / 1982

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