Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 101 - 150
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Agricultural pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Formulating agricultural nonpoint source policy : analysis and issues / 1983
Frequency analysis of pesticide concentrations for risk assessment : (Franco model) / 1982
Ground water monitoring : a guide to monitoring for agricultural nonpoint source pollution projects / 1996
Ground water monitoring technical completion report : evaluation of agricultural best management practices to reduce nonpoint source ground water nitrate in Southern Minidoka County, Idaho : Minidoka/Cassia Ground Water Monitoring Project / 1999
Ground water pollution. part 2. pollution from irrigation and fertilization a bibliography with abstracts. 1978
Ground water pollution. part 2. pollution from irrigation and fertilization volume 1. 1964-1976 : citations from the NTIS data base. 1978
Ground water pollution: pollution from irrigation and fertilization volume 2. 1977-January 1980 : citations from the NTIS data base : search period covered 1977-January 1980. 1980
Ground-water flow, geochemistry, and effects of agricultural practices on nitrogen transport at study sites in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces, Patuxent River Basin, Maryland 1997
Ground-water flow, geochemistry, and effects of agricultural practices on nitrogen transport at study sites in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic provinces, Patuxent River Basin, Maryland 1995
Guidance on controlling agricultural sources of nonpoint source pollution 1998
Herbicides in shallow ground water at two agricultural sites in Delaware 1993
Hormones and pharmaceuticals generated by concentrated animal feeding operations : transport in water and soil / 2009
Hydrologic and water-quality data in selected agricultural drainages in Beaufort and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, 1990-92 / 1993
Idaho agricultural pollution abatement plan 1983 1983
Idaho agricultural pollution abatement plan, 1991 1993
Impact of agricultural activities on ground water 1986
Influence of agriculture on the quality of natural waters in England and Wales : a report / 1992
Integrating EPA's agriculture and water grant programs : a comparison of 16 programs that protect the water resource from agricultural contamination / 1992
Irondequoit basin agricultural non-point source source study 1984
Kesterson closure program : draft data report / 1985
Kesterson program closure and post closure maintenance plan. Executive summary / 1986
Land transformation in agriculture 1987
Layperson's guide to agricultural drainage / 1986
Managing agricultural contamination of ground water : state strategies / 1989
Managing manure with biogas recovery systems : improved performance at competitive costs : the AgSTAR Program. 2002
Managing nonpoint source pollution : final report to Congress on Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (1989) / 1992
Managing nonpoint source pollution : final report to Congress on Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (1989) : appendices / 1992
Managing nonpoint source pollution : final report to Congress on Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (1989) : appendices / 1992
Mantenga el agua de su pozo limpia. Keep your well water clean / Volume 1. = 2000
Mantenga el agua de su pozo limpia. Keep your well water clean / Volume 2. = 1999
Mid-Atlantic Nutrient Management Handbook 2006
National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center. 1998
National management measures to control nonpoint source pollution from forestry. 2005
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application and effluent limitations guidelines and standards for concentrated animal feeding operations : proposed rule and supporting documents. 2001
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit application and effluent limitations guidelines and standards for CAFOS. 2000
National water quality evaluation project : 1984 annual water quality report / 1984
Nitrates in groundwater 1997
Nitrogen transformation processes in agricultural watershed soils : final report on project 11, Agricultural watershed studies / 1978
Nitrogen transport and transformations in Canagagigue Creek : final report project 19A, agricultural watershed studies / 1978
Nonpoint source assessment of the Monocacy River with special emphasis in Double Pipe Creek watershed final report / 1986
Nonpoint source control guidance : agricultural activities / 1978
Nonpoint source pollution : agriculture, forestry, and mining : instructor guide / 1980
Nonpoint source pollution : agriculture, forestry, and mining : what is nonpoint source pollution? ... / 1980
Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Workshop technical issues, July 25-28, 1989, Irvine, CA. 1989
NPDES regulations governing management of concentrated animal feeding operations. 1996
NPDES regulations governing management of concentrated dairy cattle feeding operations. 1996
NPDES regulations governing management of concentrated horse feeding operations. 1996
NPDES regulations governing management of concentrated poultry feeding operations. 1996
NPDES regulations governing management of concentrated sheep feeding operations. 1996
NPDES regulations governing management of concentrated slaughter and feeder cattle feeding operations. 1996
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