Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Agricultural chemicals Toxicology)

Select Item Title Year Published
ACTMO, an agricultural chemical transport model 1975
Advances in earthworm ecotoxicology : proceedings from the Second International Workshop on Earthworm Ecotoxicology, April 1997, Amsterdam, the Netherlands / 1998
Agricultural chemicals and pesticides : a subfile of the NIOSH registry of toxic effects of chemical substances / 1977
Basic and applied mutagenesis with special reference to agricultural chemicals in developing countries / 1985
Clinical toxicology of agricultural chemicals 1983
Clinical toxicology of agricultural chemicals / 1981
Fear of food : environmentalist scams, media mendacity, and the law of disparagement / 1990
Folpet health and safety guide / 1992
Initial scientific review of cacodylic acid / 1975

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