Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aggregation of Clay Minerals and Marine Microalgal cells: Physicochemical Theory and Implications for Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms. 2001
Air Conservation. Volume 11, Number 1(57), 1977. 1978
Alternatives for management of pulp and paper industry solid wastes : production of lightweight aggregate. 1994
Annual book of ASTM standards 2006. Section 4, Construction. 2006
Characteristics of the Soil Matrix That Affect Water Storage and Movement. 1973
Characterization and Utilization of Municipal and Utility Sludges and Ashes. Volume IV. Municipal Incinerator Residues. 1975
Chemically active fluid bed for SOx control / 1979
Coal ash utilization : fly ash, bottom ash, and slag / 1978
Construction materials map of Wyoming / 1986
Controlling SO2 emissions from coal-fired steam-electric generators : solid waste impact / 1978
Controlling SO2 Emissions from Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Generators: Solid Waste Impact. Volume II. Technical Discussion. 1978
Decorative stones of Wyoming / 1991
Demand for construction minerals in the greater New York metropolitan area 1979
Demonstration of the AquaBlok(R) sediment capping technology innovative technology evaluation report. [electronic resource] : 2007
Development document for interim final effluent limitations, guidelines, and standards of performance--mineral mining and processing industry / 1975
Development of Criteria for Utilization of MWC Residues in Construction Applications. 1994
Development of emission factors for fugitive dust sources / 1974
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "B" - Cary, North Carolina / 1999
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "B" - Cary, North Carolina / 2000
Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance for Dirt and Gravel Roads. 2007
Evaluation of Wilder Construction Company's MatCon cover technology [electronic resource]. 2003
Final report : technical and economic factors associated with fly ash utilization. 1971
Glass markets information system : application summary reports / 1992
Greater Pittsburgh region construction aggregates / 1974
Guidance document for selecting antiskid materials applied to ice- and snow-covered roadways. 1991
Guidance document for selecting antiskid materials applied to ice-and snow-covered roadways : final report / 1990
Industrial minerals and construction materials map of the Powder River Basin and adjacent uplifts, Wyoming / 1989
Industrial minerals and construction materials map of Wyoming / 1996
Inspection manual for enforcement of new source performance standards : Asphalt concrete plants : Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Stationary Source Enforcement. 1976
Mineral land classification of the Wilson Creek property, Aguanga, Cahuilla Mtn., Sage, and Vail Lake quadrangles, Riverside County, California, for asphaltic or Portland cement concrete-grade aggregate 1991
Modeling the Influence of Active Subslab Depressurization (ASD) Systems on Airflows in Subslab Aggregate Beds. 1991
New Mine sealing techniques for water pollution abatement, 1970
Porosity and Pore-Size Distribution of Soil Aggregates. 1971
Practical problems reducing radon in houses / 1987
Project summary : Stormwater hydrological characteristics of porous and conventional paving systems. 1984
Radiological surveys of Idaho phosphate ore processing : the thermal process plant. 1977
Radiological surveys of Idaho phosphate ore processing : the wet process plant / 1978
Radon generation and transport through concrete foundations / 1994
Relation Between Soil Characteristics, Water Movement and Nitrate Contamination of Ground Water. 1972
Sand and Gravel Mining in Colorado Rivers and Riparian Areas: Impacts, Regulations and Suggestions for the Future, Draft Report 2000
Simulation of Solute Transport in Aggregated Media. 1989
Soil Matric Suction Changes with Time in Pressed Soil Briquettes. 1970
Soil Properties, Classification, and Hydraulic Conductivity Testing: Draft Technical Resource Document for Public Comment. 1984
Status of Porous Pavement Research. 1981
Technical and Economic Evaluation of Recycled Industrial Secondary Products for the Preparation of Synthetic Highway Building Aggregates. 1974
Theory of graphs and its applications. 1962
Use of domestic waste glass for urban paving / 1973
Use of domestic waste glass for urban paving : summary report / 1975
Utilization of phosphate slimes / 1971
Utilization of phosphate slimes. 1971
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