Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Aerosols)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Haze Over Eastern North America. Part 1. Haze Properties. 1985
Health Aspects of Wastewater Aerosols. 1981
Health Effects Associated with Wastewater Treatment and Disposal. 1981
Health effects of a wastewater treatment system / 1978
Health effects of aerosols emitted from an activated sludge plant / 1979
Health effects of fine- and coarse-mode particulate matter : exposures by inhalation and intratracheal instillation / 1984
Health effects of industrial aerosols : final progress report. 1986
Health effects of sewage aerosols : additional serological surveys and search for Legionella pneumophila in sewage / 1981
Health effects on particulate matter in ambient air : proceedings of an international conference sponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association and the Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne, Prague, Czech Republic, April 23-25, 1997 / 1998
Health implications of sewage treatment facilities / 1978
Health Risks to Distant Populations from Uranium Mill Tailings Radon. 1981
Heavy-duty diesel emissions as a function of alternate fuels / 1983
Heterogeneous and liquid phase processes : laboratory studies related to aerosols and clouds / 1996
Heterogeneous Degradation of Oxygenated Intermediates. 1994
Heterogeneous reactions of nitrogen oxides in simulated atmospheres / 1977
High-power laser radiation in atmospheric aerosols : nonlinear optics of aerodispersed media / 1985
High-velocity, high-efficiency aerosol filtration / 1976
Histamine and Methacholine Aerosol Bronchial Challenge in Awake Guinea Pigs. 1990
History of aerosol science : proceedings of the Symposium on the History of Aerosol Science, held in Vienna, Austria, August 31 to September 2, 1999, sponsored by Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften / 2000
Holographic Determination of Injected Limestone Distribution in Unit 10 of the Shawnee Power Plant. 1970
Homogeneous Nucleation in Contaminated Atmospheres. 1972
Hood System Design for Capture of Process Fugitive Particulate Emissions. 1986
Houston aerosol characterization study / 1981
Houston Aerosol Characterization Study. 1980
Houston area plume study--1974 : microscopical identification of collected aerosols / 1979
Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978. Volume I. Data Evaluation and Analysis. 1983
Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978. Volume II. Data-Base Guide. 1983
Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978. Volume III. Characterization of Data Quality. 1983
Houston Urban Plume Study - 1974, Description and Data. 1978
Houston urban plume study 1974 : description and summary of results / 1978
Houston urban plume study 1974 : Microscopical Identification of Collected Aerosols / 1979
HVAC Systems as Emission Sources Affecting Indoor Air Quality: A Critical Review. 1995
Hybrid Receptor Modeling. 1986
Hygroscopic Aerosol Induced Vapor Scavenging and Deposition from the Inspired Air and Conjugated Changes of Air Temperature and Humidity. 1990
Hygroscopic aerosols / 1984
Hygroscopic Growth: Its Effect on Aerosol Therapy and Inhalation Toxicology. 1987
IACP (Integrated Air Cancer Project) Emissions: Transformations and Fate. 1987
Identification of Gas-Phase Dimethyl Sulfate and Monomethyl Hydrogen Sulfate in the Los Angeles Atmosphere. 1986
Identification of primary and secondary aerosols from in situ shale oil emissions 1979
Identification, assessment, and control of fugitive particulate emissions / 1986
IERL-RTP procedures manual : level 1 environmental assessment / 1976
Impact of Aerosols on Visibility and Climate: A Report Prepared for Panel 3, Environmental Impact, of the NATO/CCMS (North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society) Air Pollution Pilot Study on Control Strategies and Impact Modeling. 1984
Impacts of Coal Combustion on Trace Elements in the Environment: Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study. 1984
Implementation of a microcomputer-modified electrical aerosol analyzer / 1979
Implications of Perception Thresholds for Soiling. 1988
Improved Method for Measuring Aerosol Strong Acidity: Results from a Nine-Month Study in St. Louis, Missouri and Kingston, Tennessee. 1988
Improved Representation of the Reaction of N2O5 on Aerosols for Mesoscale Air Quality Models. 1993
Improvement of instrumentation and methodology for collection and analysis of mercury / 1975
Improving emission inventories for effective air quality management across North America : a NARSTO assessment / 2003
In-Place Performance Evaluation of HEPA-Filtration Systems at Asbestos Abatement Sites. 1990
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