Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Aerators)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to aeration/circulation techniques for lake management / 1977
Aeration Equipment Evaluation. Phase 1. Clean Water Test Results. 1988
Aeration to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from Ground Water. 1984
An evaluation of the secondary effects of air stripping / 1989
Assessment of design tradeoffs when using intrachannel clarifiers / 1986
Computer Aided Design of Diffused Aeration Systems. 1988
Design procedures for dissolved oxygen control of activated sludge processes / 1977
Development of standard procedures for evaluating oxygen transfer devices / 1983
Evaluating the Quality of Water Treated by Redwood Slat Tower Aerators. 1984
Evaluation of waste treatment system: Chemawa Indian School. 1968
Flow Concentration Groins for Reaeration in Passaic River - a Hydraulic Model Study. 1970
Fouling of fine pore diffused aerators : an interplant comparison / 1994
Household water conservation and wastewater flow reduction; 1976
Instream Aeration to Control Dissolved Sulfides in Sanitary Sewers. 1973
Investigation of the Use of High Purity Oxygen Aeration in the Conventional Activated Sludge Process. 1970
Modeling and Optimization of Transient Cooling Water Discharge from Power Generating Plants. 1973
Oxygen regeneration of polluted rivers: the Delaware River / 1970
Oxygen Transfer under Process Conditions. 1988
Performance of aerated lagoons in northern climates / 1979
Post Construction Performance of Schreiber Counter-Current Aeration Facilities. 1987
Proceedings : tenth United States/Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology, October 17-28, 1985 and North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (NATO/CCMS) Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology, October 15-16, 1985, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1986
Promising Technologies for the Biological Detoxification of Hazardous Waste. 1988
Surge facility for wet and dry weather flow control / 1974
Survey and Evaluation of Fine Bubble Dome Diffuser Aeration Equipment. 1981
Survey and evaluation of porous polyethylene media fine bubble tube and disk aerators 1994
Technology assessment of fine bubble aerators / 1982
TOC, ATP and respiration rate as control parameters for the activated sludge process / 1977
Treatment of Aqueous Agricultural Wastes for Clean Water and for Microbial Protein Production. 1971
U-Tube Aeration. 1973
Use of Chemical Additives to Improve Aeration Rates. Preliminary Study of Models. 1966
Use of Chemical Additives to Improve Aeration Rates. Study of Models of Air Dispersers. 1967
Use of Chemical Additives to Improve Aeration Rates. Study of the Behavior of Single Bubbles. 1966

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