Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to soil washing. 1992
A governmental view of oxygenates for use as motor fuels and motor fuel components : Methanol - the transportation fuel of the future for the 1983 midyear refining meeting of the API / 1983
A methodology for determining the effects of fuels and additives on atmospheric visibility / 1975
A review of the compatibility of methanol/gasoline blends with motor vehicle fuel systems / 1981
A summary of industry comments received on manganese fuel additive (MMT) / 1977
A summary of industry work on manganese fuel additive (MMT) / 1977
A survey of sulfate, nitrate, and acid aerosol emissions and their control / 1977
Achieving clean air and water : the report of the blue ribbon panel on oxygenates in gasoline. 1999
Achieving clean air and water : the report of the blue ribbon panel on oxygenates in gasoline. 1999
Acute Toxicity of Drilling Muds Containing Hydrocarbon Additives and Their Fate and Partitioning between Liquid, Suspended, and Solid Phases. Progress Reports. 1983
Acute Toxicity of Drilling Muds Containing Hydrocarbon Additives and Their Fate and Partitioning between Liquid, Suspended, and Solid Phases. Two New Draft Sections. 1984
Acute Toxicity of Two Generic Drilling Fluids and Six Additives, Alone and Combined, to Mysids ('Mysidopsis bahia'). 1988
Additive Injection for Sulfur Dioxide Control. A Pilot Plant Study. 1970
Additives and fluid fertilizers a look from inside the tank : '69 round-up / 1969
Additives for lubricating oils 1981
Additives for plastics 1978
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 1. Field Test Results. 1982
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Technical Assessment. 1982
Adipic Acid-Enhanced Lime and Limestone Testing at the EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility. Volume 1. 1982
ADL Migration Estimation Model (for Microcomputers) (Release Number 1). 1990
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking on lead emissions from piston-engine aircraft using leaded aviation gasoline. 2010
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking on lead emissions from piston-engine aircraft using leaded aviation gasoline. 2010
Air pollution aspects of barium and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of boron and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of iron and its compounds / 1969
Air pollution aspects of manganese and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of phosphorus and its compounds / 1969
Air Pollution Assessment of Ethylene Dibromide. 1976
Air Pollution: Symposium on Low Pollution Power Systems Development held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on October 14-19, 1973. 1973
Algal Growth Inhibition Study (Draft Study) for a Substance Manufactured and Distributed as a Lubricant Additive and Crosslinking Agent with 1,3,4-Thiadiazole-2(3H)-thione, 5,5'-Dithiobis. 2014
Amendments to the requirements on variability in the composition of additives certified under the gasoline deposit control program : partial withdrawl of direct final rule / 2002
An Evaluation of Rolfite Company's gasoline fuel additive "upgrade." 1975
An evaluation of the EI-5 fuel additive. 1976
An evaluation of the methodologies for the estimation of intakes of food additives and contaminants in the European Community. 1992
An investigation of diesel-powered vehicle odor and smoke. final report / Part III : 1969
Analysis of Engineering Alternatives for Environmental Protection from Thermal Discharges 1973
Analysis of fuel samples from Baltimore, Detroit, and Philadelphia / 1986
Analysis of MTBE groundwater cleanup costs : a report to the American Petroleum Institute / 2005
Analytical methods for pesticides, plant growth regulators, and food additives. 1963
Animal waste composting with carbonaceous material / 1978
Annual catalyst research program report : appendices / 1975
Annual chemical news regulatory update. 1983
Antimicrobial Activities of N-Chloramines and Diazolidinyl Urea. 1985
Application of Hyperfiltration to Treatment of Municipal Sewage Effluents. 1970
Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs, and cosmetics / 1959
Arsenic Poisoning due to Morinaga M. F. Dried Milk. 2. Arsenic Content Inside the Body of the Infants Affected with Arsenic Poisoning (Morinaga Dorai Miruku M. F. ni Yoru Kiso Chudoku ni Tsuite. 2. Hiso Chudoku Nyuji no Tainai ni Okeru Kysoryo ni Tsuite). 1974
Assessment of Ethylene Dichloride as a Potential Air Pollution Problem. Volume III. 1976
Assessment of potential health risks of gasoline oxygenated with methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1993
Assessment of the Effects of Lead Additives in Gasoline on Emission Control Systems which might be used to Meet the 1975-76 Motor Vehicle Emission Standards. 1971
Assessment of the use of fugitive emission control devices / 1979
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