Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A report by a panel of the National Academy of Public Administration for Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency : draft report. 2000
Adaptability of Metabolism in North Caspian Mussels (Genus Dreissena) to Variation in Salinity Regime (Prisposoblennost Obmena Dreissen Severnogo Kaspiya k Izmeneniyu Solevogo Rezhima). 1947
Adaptation of Aquatic Microbial Communities to Hg(2+) Stress. 1987
Adaptation of Aquatic Microbial Communities to Pollutant Stress. 1988
Adaptation of Aquifer Microbial Communities to the Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Compounds: Influence of Substrate Concentration and Preexposure. 1989
Adaptation to Eutrophic Conditions by Lake Michigan Algae. 1973
Adaption and diversity : natural history and the mathematics of evolution / 1971
Adaptive Response Framework for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities. 2012
Algal adaptation to environmental stresses : physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms / 2001
An introduction to environmental biophysics / 1977
Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems. Final Report, Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.6. 2008
Animal physiology : adaptations in function / 1981
Animal stress 1985
Anti-Slip Studs for Safety Footwear. 1970
Arctic life of birds and mammals, including man. 1972
Bacterial adhesion : molecular and ecological diversity / 1996
Behavioral mechanisms in evolutionary ecology / 1994
Behavioural ecology ecological consequences of adaptive behaviour : the 25th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Reading, 1984 / 1985
Biochemical adaptation / 1984
Biochemical adaptation to environmental change : Biochemical Society Symposium no. 41, held at the University of Liverpool, July 1975 / 1976
Biogeography and adaptation : patterns of marine life / 1978
Biological effects of low level exposures : dose-response relationships / 1994
Biological effects of low level exposures to chemicals and radiation / 1992
Biotic interactions and global change 1992
Change anything : the new science of personal success / 2011
Changes in eukaryotic gene expression in response to environmental stress 1985
Climate Change and Crop Production : Foundations for Agroecosystem Resilience / 2018
Climate Change and the Delaware Estuary: Three Case Studies in Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning.Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. 2010
Climate Change Governance and Adaptation : Case Studies from South Asia / 2018
Climate Change Models and Forest Research. 1993
Climate ready estuaries : 2009 progress report / 2009
Climate ready estuaries : 2010 progress report. 2010
Climate Ready Estuaries Progress Report, 2011. 2012
Climate Smart Brownfields Manual. 2016
COAST in Action: 2012 Projects from Maine and New Hampshire. 2012
Coldwater diving for science ... 1987 : proceedings of Coldwater Diving for Science Symposium, October 31, 1987 to November 1, 1987, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington / 1987
Development and plasticity of the brain : an introduction / 1978
Diversity of fishes 1997
Don't sweat the small stuff-- and it's all small stuff : simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life / 1997
Dose-Effects Functions for Carboxyhemoglobin and Behavior. 1990
Earth Day recollections : an EPA Journal reprint. 1989
Earth Day, 1990 : think globally ... act locally / 1990
Effect of Thermal Inputs on the Populations of Fish and Macroinvertebrates in the Wabash River. 1973
Effects of Adaptation on Biodegradation Rates in Sediment/Water Cores from Estuarine and Freshwater Environments. 1980
Environmental adaptations / 1983
Environmental and metabolic animal physiology / 1991
Environmental education materials for teachers and young people (grades K-12) / 1988
Environmental endocrinology : proceedings of an international symposium held in Montpellier, France, 11-15 July 1977 1978
Environmental physiology 1975
Environmental stress : individual human adaptations / 1978
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