Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Restriction Maps of Five Autographa Californica MNPV Variants, Trichoplusia Ni MNPV, and Galleria Mellonella MNPV DNAs with Endonucleases SmaI, KpnI, BamHI, SacI, XhoI, and EcoRI. 1981
Restuls of a Log Pow Measurement of Fatty Acids, Tail-oil, Compounds with Oleylamine. 2013
Results of a Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) on Mice with Resin Acids and Rosin Acids, Fumarated, Esters with Pentaerythritol. 2010
Results of a Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) with Fatty Acids, Tall Oil, Reaction Products with Pentaethylenehexamine, Compounds with Polyethylene Glycol Hydrogen Maleate Isoalkyl Ethers. 2010
Results of a Local Lymph Node Assay with Fatty Acids, Tall-oil, Reaction Products with Boric Acid (H3BO3) and Diethanolamine. 2012
Results of a Log Pow Measurement on Fatty Acids, C18-unsatd., dimers, Ethoxylated. 2013
Results of a Log Pow Measurement on Fatty Acids, Soya, Epoxidized, 2-ethylhexyl Esters. 2013
Results of a Log Pow Measurement on Fatty Acids, Tall-oil, Reaction Products with Ethanolamine, Ethoxylated. 2013
Results of a Log Pow Measurements on Three Substances with Fatty Acids, C1 6-18 and C1 8-unstad., Me esters, Epoxidized, Polymers with Ethylene Glycol. 2012
Results of an Acute Toxicity Study with Leuciscus Idus Melanotus with Resin Acids and Rosin Acids, Sodium Salt. 2010
Results of an Acute Toxicity Test with Bacteria (Pseudomonas putida) with Fatty Acids, Tall-oil, Esters with Pentaerythritol. 2010
Results of an Acute Toxicity Test with Fish (Danlo rerio) with Resin Acids and Rosin Acids, Hydrogenated, Sodium Salt. 2010
Results of Local Lymph Node Assay in Mice with Fatty Acids. 2012
Results of Log Pow Measurement with Propylidynetrimethanol, Propoxylated, Esters with Fatty Acids, C16-18 and C18-22-usatd. 2014
Results of Range Finding Toxicological Studies on Diethylene-Triamine and with Cover Letter. 1980
Results of the first two years of commercial operation of an Organic-Acid-Enhanced FGD System / 1984
Results on an Acute Toxicity Test to Daphnia Magna with Resin Acids and Rosin Acids, Fumarated, Esters with Pentaerythritol. 2010
Reticuloendothelial system (RES) 1960
Retinoic Acid Alters Epithelial Differentiation during Palaotogenesis. 1991
Revegetation augmentation by reuse of treated active surface mine drainage : a feasibility study / 1972
Reversibility of Tributyltin-Induced Toxicity In vitro as a Function of Concentration and Duration of Exposure (C X T). 1992
Review and Assessment of Deep-Well Injection of Hazardous Waste. Volume II. Appendices A, B, and C. 1977
Review of the environmental fate of selected chemicals / 1977
Review of the Mutagenicity of Ethylene Oxide. 1990
Review of Western European and Japanese iron and steel industry exemplary water pollution control technology / 1979
Ribonucleases [electronic resource] / 2011
Ribosomes Structure, Function, and Dynamics / [electronic resource] : 2011
RNA and DNA Diagnostics [electronic resource] / 2015
RNA Polymerase-Binding and Transcription Initiation Sites Upstream of the Methyl Reductase Operon of 'Methanococcus vannielii'. 1988
RNA Technologies and Their Applications [electronic resource] / 2010
Role of cyclic nucleic acid adducts in carcinogenesis and mutagenesis 1986
Role of Hepatocellular Regeneration in Chlordecone Potentiated Hepatotoxicity of Carbon Tetrachloride. 1989
Role of O6-Methylation in the Initiation of GGTase-Positive Foci. 1983
Role of Soil Organic Acids in Mineral Weathering Processes (Chapter 6). 1992
Role of Steroid Hormones and Decidual Induction in the Regulation of Adenosine Diphosphoribosyl Transferase Activity in Rat Endometrium. 1989
Scoping the Chemicals in Your Drinking Water. 1994
Screening of Various Adsorbents for Protection against Paraquat Poisoning. 1973
Screening procedures for estimating the air impacts of incineration at Superfund sites / 1992
Screening Study to Determine Need for Standards of Performance for New Sources of Dimethyl Terephthalate and Terephthalic Acid Manufacturing. 1976
Selected irrigation return flow quality abstracts 1972-1973, third annual issue / 1974
Sensitive Assay, Based on Hydroxy Fatty Acids from Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A, for Gram-Negative Bacteria in Sediments. 1982
Separation Characteristics of Alkylated Guanines in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. 1988
Sequence Divergence of an Archaebacterial Gene Cloned from a Mesophilic and a Thermophilic Methanogen. 1985
Short Communication: Improved Thin-Layer Chromatographic Separation of 32P-Postlabeled DNA Adducts. 1993
Simple Mini-Method to Extract DNA Directly from Soil for Use with Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification. 1993
Simplified Feeding Techniques for Culturing and Toxicity Testing with 'Ceriodaphnia'. 1988
Simultaneous and automated determination of total phosphorus and total Kjeldahl nitrogen / 1974
Sister Chromatid Exchange in a Marine Polychaete Exposed to a Contaminated Harbor Sediment. 1987
Slurry-Based Biotreatment of Polyaryl Contaminants Sorbed onto Soil. 1994
Soap salts : Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED). 1992
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