Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acidification)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Reactions That Modify Chemistry in Lakes of the National Surface Water Survey. 1988
Recent Sulfur Enrichment in the Sediments of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin. 1992
Recent Trends in the Acid-Base Status of Surface Waters in Maine, USA. 1993
Recovery of the Highly Acidified Clearwater Lake Watershed, Ontario, Canada, Simulated with the IL WAS Model. 1991
Regional Characteristics of Land Use in Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Associations with Acid Rain Effects on Surface-Water Chemistry. 1991
Regional Chemical Characteristics of Lakes in North America. Part 2: Eastern United States. 1986
Regional Patterns and Local Variability of Dry and Occult Deposition Strongly Influence Sulfate Concentrations in Maine Lakes. 1988
Regional Patterns of Sulfur Retention in Watersheds of the Eastern U.S. 1987
Regional Relationships between Geomorphic/Hydrologic Parameters and Surface Water Chemistry Relative to Acidic Deposition. 1989
Relationship between Annual Runoff and Watershed Area for the Eastern United States. 1988
Relationship between mesoscale acid precipitation and meteorological factors / 1982
Relationship of Catchment Topography and Soil Hydraulic Characteristics to Lake Alkalinity in the Northeastern United States. 1989
Removal and recovery of sulfide from tannery wastewater / 1977
Research activity descriptors : FY 89. 1989
Research activity descriptors, FY89 : October 1988-September 1989 : a contribution to the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. 1989
Response of forest trees to sulfur, nitrogen, and associated pollutants / 1990
Response of phytoplankton to acidification in experimental streams 1981
Response of Predatory Zooplankton Populations to the Experimental Acidification of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin. 1993
Response of surface water chemistry to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. 2003
Retrospective Assessment of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Acid Deposition Program. 1994
Review of Acid Deposition Research in the Western United States 1983
Review of the national ambient air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide : assessment of scientific and technical information, OAQPS staff paper / 1995
Risk and exposure assessment for review of the secondary national ambient air quality standards for oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur : final. 2009
Risk and exposure assessment for review of the secondary national ambient air quality standards for oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur : first draft / 2008
Risk and exposure assessment for review of the secondary national ambient air quality standards for oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur : second draft. 2009
Robust Bayes Models of Fish Response to Lake Acidification. 1989
Rocky Mountain Acidification Study. 1983
Role of Nitrate in the Acidification of Streams in the Catskill Mountains of New York. 1992
Saurer Regen, eine Folge der Stoerung Hydrogeochemischer Kreislaeufe (Acid Rain, a Consequence of Man's Alteration of Hydrogeochemical Cycles). 1983
Scope and assessment of aquatic effects due to acidic deposition.{microfiche} by Kent W. Thornton and Daniel H. McKensie. 1990
Seedling response to sulfur, nitrogen, and associated pollutants / 1989
Sensitivity of Critical Load Estimates for Surface Waters to Model Selection and Regionalization Schemes. 1992
Sensitivity of RADM to Point Source Emissions Processing. 1992
Sensitivity of soil regions to acid precipitation / 1980
Separating natural acidity from anthropogenic acidification in the spring flood of Northern Sweden / 2000
Simultaneous Inhibition of Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in a Forest Soil by Simulated Acid Precipitation. 1984
Site Selection Procedures for Temporally Integrated Monitoring of Ecosystems (Time). 1989
SNP:FISH : Shenandoah National Park: Fish in sensitive habitats / {electronic resource} : 1999
Soil Air Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in a New England Spruce-Fir Forests. 1987
Soil Response to S and N Treatments in a Northern New England Low Elevation Coniferous Forest. 1990
Soil-Mediated Effects of Atmospherically Deposited Sulfur and Nitrogen. 1984
Soluble Aluminum in Acidified Organic Horizons of Forest Soils. 1984
Spatial and Temporal Trends in Sulfur and Nitrogen Deposition for the United States: Regional Scientific Workshop on Acid Deposition in East Asia 2009 12-13 October 2009, Tsukuba, Japan. 2009
Spatial and Temporal Trends in the Chemistry of Atmospheric Deposition in New England. 1985
Speciation of Ambient Sulfate Particulate Matter Using FT-IR-Based Absorption to Complement Wet Chemical and Thermal Speciation Measurements. 1994
Species Composition of Fish Communities in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Relation to pH. 1989
Spodosol Cation Release and Buffering of Acidic Inputs. 1991
Stable Sulfur Isotopes of Sulfate in Precipitation and Stream Solutions in a Northern Hardwood Watershed. 1992
Statistical Analysis of the Extensive Component of the Maryland Department of the Environment Stream Acidification Monitoring Program. 1996
Status of Research to Develop Acidic Dry Deposition Monitoring Capability. 1983
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