Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acid rain United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1987 wet deposition temporal and spatial patterns in North America / 1990
1987 wet deposition temporal and spatial patterns in North America : project summary / 1990
Acid Deposition System (ADS) for statistical reporting : system design and user's code manual / 1984
Acid precipitation : a bibliography : a compilation of worldwide literature. 1983
Acid precipitation and drinking water quality in the eastern United States / 1984
Acid precipitation and drinking water quality in the eastern United States / 1984
Acid precipitation and the use of fossil fuels : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, to review the issue of acid precipitation and fossil fuel use in our national economy, August 19, 1982. 1982
Acid precipitation in North America : 1983 annual data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1985
Acid precipitation in North America : 1984 annual data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1986
Acid precipitation in North America : 1985 annual and seasonal data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1987
Acid precipitation in North America : 1986 annual and seasonal data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1989
Acid precipitation in North America : 1987 annual and seasonal data summaries from acid deposition system data base / 1989
Acid precipitation in the United States : history, extent, sources, prognoses. 1978
Acid rain : a technical inquiry : hearings before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, May 25 and 27, 1982. 1982
Acid rain : a water resources issue for the 80's 1983
Acid rain : hearings before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, February 26 and 27, 1980. 1980
Acid rain : the devastating impact on North America / 1982
Acid rain : the North American forecast / 1980
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy / 1985
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy : summary. 1984
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy. 1984
Acid rain bibliography / 1983
Acid rain mitigation study / 1982
Acid rain mitigation study : Volume III. industrial boilers and processes / 1982
Acid rain mitigation study. Volumes I and II / 1982
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1994 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1995
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1995 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1997
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1997 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1999
Acid rain, its state by state impacts. 1984
Acid rain. 1980
Acid rain. 1980
Acid rain. 1991
Acidic precipitation and lake acidification : a master's report / 1981
Air quality and acid deposition potential in the Bridger & Fitzpatrick Wildernesses : March 1984 workshop proceedings. 1984
Analysis of issues concerning "acid rain" : report to the Congress / 1984
Analysis of utility control strategies using the LIMB technology / 1987
Analysis system for total sulfuric acid in ambient air : development and preliminary evaluation / 1981
Annual report ... to the President and Congress / 1982
Annual report to the President and the Congress of the United States 1982
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends / 1989
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends {Microfiche} 1989
Assessment of statistical tests in 40 CFR 75.21 (FR, 12/3/91) : alternative monitoring systems / 1992
Before the rainbow what we know about acid rain / 1980
Boiler design criteria for dry sorbent SO2 control with low-NOx burners / 1986
Boiler design criteria for dry sorbent SO2 control with low-NOx burners / 1986
Boiler simulator studies on sorbent utilization for SO2 control / 1987
Chemical transformations in acid rain : investigation of kinetics and mechanism of aqueous-phase peroxide formation. volume II : 1985
Chemical transformations in acid rain : volume I, new methodologies for sampling and analysis of gas phase peroxide / 1985
Chemical transformations in acid rain : volume II, investigation of kinetics and mechanism of aqueous-phase peroxide formation / 1985
Chemistry of precipitation from sequentially sampled storms / 1980
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