Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acid pollution of rivers lakes etc)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A biogeochemical mass balance approach to reservoir acidification by atmospheric deposition / 1982
A review of acid precipitation studies : a report in environmental pollution control / 1977
A study of the chemistry and biota of acid and alkaline ponds at the Smoking Hills, N.W.T. 1980
Access of some atmospheric non-polar organic micropollutants to lakes and rivers = Transport av noen atmosfriske upolare organiske mikroforurensninger til elver og vann / 1978
Acid deposition : long-term trends / 1986
Acid deposition in Colorado / 1986
Acid deposition in Colorado : a potential or current problem : local versus long-distance transport into the state : a compendium of papers presented at a workshop sponsored by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere / 1986
Acid deposition research projects performed in or on EPA Region I (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont) / 1985
Acid rain : a preliminary estimate of the risk to Ontario's inland fisheries / 1981
Acid rain and fisheries a debate of issues : symposium proceedings, American Fisheries Society, 114th Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 1984, Cornell University / 1985
Acid rain federal research into effects on waters and forests : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1985
Acid snow-melt effects on water quality and fish survival in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State : research project technical completion report / 1977
Acid toxicity and aquatic animals 1989
Acidic deposition and aquatic ecosystems : regional case studies / 1991
Acidic episodes in surface waters : the state of science / 1987
Acidic mining lakes : acid mine drainage, limnology, and reclamation / 1998
Acidification of lakes in Finland : regional estimates of lake chemistry and critical loads = Yhteenveto, Järvien happamoituminen Suomessa : alueellinen vedenlaatu ja krittinen kuormitus / 1993
Acidification potential in high mountain lakes in Washington : 4 1987
Acidification potential in high mountain lakes in Washington : final report / 1984
Acidification status of Colorado lakes : Part I, Chemical classification / 1985
Acidification Status of Colorado Lakes : Part III, Classification Modelling / 1985
Acidification today and tomorrow a Swedish study prepared for the 1982 Stockholm Conference on the Acidification of the Environment / 1982
Acidity status of lakes in the Adirondack region of New York in relation to fish resources 1980
Acidity-alkalinity (pH) : water quality standards criteria digest : a compilation of State/Federal criteria. 1979
AERP status. 1988
AERP status. 1990
AERP status. 1989
AERP status. 1987
AERP status. 1988
AERP status. 1989
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs in nutrient ecoregion XII / 2000
An evaluation and compilation of the reported effects of acidification on aquatic biota / 1986
An evaluation of oxygen sag parameters in Monongahela River water under varying pH / 1966
Analysis of synoptic chemical data for United Kingdom surface waters using the Henriksen empirical technique report of the UK Acid Waters Review Group Chemistry Sub-committee / 1987
Analysis of the effects of western copper and lead smelter emissions on acidic deposition in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada / 1981
Aquatic effects of acidic deposition 2000
Aquatic organisms in acidic environments : a literature review / 1984
Areawide environmental assessment for issuing NPDES new source coal mining permits in West Virginia. / 1981
Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish populations in Maryland streams influenced by acid mine drainage / 1973
Biological effects of changes in surface water acid-base chemistry 1990
Boundary water pollution investigation, U.S. Section : industrial wastes summary reports. 1948
Buffer capacities of freshwater lakes sensitive to acidic rain and the leaching of toxic metals from their sediments : final technical completion report / 1984
California symposium on acid precipitation : San Francisco, Jan. 14-15,1981. 1981
Causes of acidification of four streams on Laurel Hill in southwestern Pennsylvania / 1982
Causes of acidification of four streams on Laurel Hill in southwestern Pennsylvania / 1982
Characteristics of lakes in the western United States / 1986
Characterization of the pH buffering systems in dilute Adirondack surface waters : research project technical completion report / 1979
Charged membrane, low pressure ultrafiltration to treat acid mine drainage waters : completion report / 1979
Chemical and biotic characteristics of two low-alkalinity lakes in northern Wisconsin relation to atmospheric deposition / 1993
Chemical responses in experimentally acidified Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin / 1992
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