Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acid deposition United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1987 wet deposition temporal and spatial patterns in North America / 1990
1987 wet deposition temporal and spatial patterns in North America : project summary / 1990
A dry deposition module for regional acid deposition / 1986
A meteorology-based approach to detecting response source-receptor relationships / 1991
Acid Aerosol Measurement Intercomparison Workshop : April 10-11, 1991, Research Triangle Park, N.C. : final report / 1992
Acid aerosol measurement methods studies of extraction and analytical effects. 1992
Acidic deposition : state of science and technology : summary report of the U.S. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program / 1991
AERP status. 1988
AERP status. 1988
AERP status. 1990
Ammonia emission factors for the NAPAP emission inventory / 1987
Ammonia emission factors for the NAPAP emission inventory / 1987
An SAB report : review of the acid deposition standard feasibility study report to Congress / 1995
Analytical methods manual for the direct/delayed response project soil survey / 1987
Analytical methods manual for the direct/delayed response project soil survey / 1988
Annual report ... National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program / 1985
Biological effects of changes in surface water acid-base chemistry 1990
Characterization of painted surfaces in the United States from the perspective of potential damage from acidic deposition / 1989
Characterization of painted surfaces in the United States from the perspective of potential damage from acidic deposition / 1989
Chemical characteristics of streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States : (results of the National Stream Survey : phase 1). 1988
Comparison of the RADM dry deposition module with site-specific routines for inferring dry deposition / 1988
Data report 1978
Development and selection of ammonia emission factors : final report / 1994
Development and selection of ammonia emission factors : project summary / 1994
Development and selection of ammonia emission factors for the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory / 1990
Direct Delayed Response Project Soil Characterization Comparison Project Summary 1992
Direct/delayed response project : definition of soil sampling classes and selection of sampling sites for the Northeast / 1989
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Northeastern United States. 1987
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States / 1987
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States : project summary / 1988
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States {Microfiche} / 1988
Direct/delayed response project : laboratory operations and quality assurance report for preparation of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1990
Direct/Delayed Response Project : quality assurance plan for preparation and analysis of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1989
Direct/Delayed Response Project : quality assurance plan for preparation and analysis of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1989
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance plan for soil sampling, preparation, and analysis / 1987
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance plan for soil sampling, preparation, and analysis / 1988
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analyses of soils from the Mid-Appalachian region of the United States / 1990
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analysis of soils from the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States / 1988
Direct/delayed response project : soil characterization comparison / 1992
Directory of precipitation monitoring sites : National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) / 1986
Dynamic emissions management for acid deposition control information needs and monitoring techniques / 1987
Effects of mineral acid deposition on concentrations of dissolved organic acids in surface waters / 1988
Evaluation of the RADM gas-phase chemical mechanism / 1990
Evaluation of the RADM gas-phase chemical mechanism / 1990
Factors affecting response of surface waters to acidic deposition / 1986
Flexible Regional Emissions Data System (FREDS), documentation for the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory / 1989
Flexible Regional Emissions Data System (FREDS), documentation for the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory : project summary / 1989
Future effects of long-term sulfur deposition on surface water chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province : (Results of the direct/delayed response project) : executive summary / 1989
Handbook of methods for acid deposition studies : field methods for surface water chemistry / 1989
Handbook of methods for acid deposition studies : laboratory analyses for soil chemistry / 1990
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