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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acetone)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1989 urban air toxics monitoring program : aldehyde results / 1991
1990 Urban air toxics monitoring program : carbonyl results / 1991
Acetaldehyde, acetone, methanol and methyl ethyl ketone contents of kraft mill condensates. 1995
Acetone 1986
Acetone / 1971
Acetone / 1998
Activity of 1,1,1-and 1,1,3-trichloroacetones in a chromosomal aberration assay in CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells and the micronucleus and spermhead abnormality assays in mice / 1988
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XV. A Third Compilation of Technical Reports on the Biological Effects and the Public Health Aspects of Atmospheric Pollutants. 1972
Application of the two-film model to the volatilization of acetone and t-butyl alcohol from water as a function of temperature / 1988
Assessing the interactions of organic compounds during biodegradation of complex waste mixtures by naturally occurring bacterial assemblages / 1989
Assessment of acetone as a potential air pollution problem / 1976
Assessment of Acetone as a Potential Air Pollution Problem. Volume V. 1976
Assessment of VOC emissions from fiberglass boat manufacturing / 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for distillation bottom tars from the production of phenol/acetone from cumene K022 : final. 1990
BF Goodrich Akron Plant Risk Assessment with Cover Letter dated 01/06/1994. 1994
Carcinogenic Activity Associated with Halogenated Acetones and Acroleins in the Mouse Skin Assay. 1989
Carcinogenic Activity of Haloacetonitriles and Haloacetone Derivatives in the Mouse Skin and Lung. 1984
Carcinogenicity of New and Used Lubricants. 1982
Characteristics of Non-Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks. 1993
Characteristics of Pilot- and Full-Scale Hazardous Waste Incinerator Ash. 1989
Cho/hgprt Mammalian Cell Foward Gene Mutation Assay with Acetone Cyanohydrin with Cover Letter dated 04/25/1986. 1986
Compatibility of Organic Solvents with the Microscreen Prophage-Induction Assay: Solvent - Mutagen Interactions. 1991
Dermal absorption and pharmacokinetics of pesticides in rats / 1990
Effect of Solvent and Extraction Methods on the Bacterial Mutagenicity of Sidestream Cigarette Smoke. 1987
Effects of Drying Treatments on Porosity of Soil Materials. 1985
Energy consumption : the chemical industry / 1975
Ethyl acetoacetate ; Acetone : BUA report 169 (June 1995) BUA report 170 (June 1995) / 1997
Evaluation of Polyester and Metallized-Polyethylene Films for Chemical Protective Clothing Applications. 1990
Evaluation of Techniques Used in the Preparation of Diesel Extract Samples for Mutagenicity Studies. 1986
Female Fertility Study of Sprague-dawley Rats Exposed by Inhalation Route to Acetone Cyanohydrin with Cover Letter dated 04/25/1986. 1986
Final Response to BDAT Related Comments Document. K017/K028-K029, K095-096, K022, K025, K035, K026, K083, K024. Volume 1-M. 1990
Fresh Water Algal Growth Inhibition Test with Lumiere Pink 0245N using Aceton as a Pre-Solvent. 2005
Gas Chromatographic Micromethod for Trace Determinations of Phenols. 1985
Handbook of RCRA ground-water monitoring constituents : chemical & physical properties (40 CFR part 264, appendix IX). 1992
Handbook of RCRA ground-water monitoring constituents : chemical and physical properties (appendix IX to 40 CFR part 264). 1992
Health and environmental effects profile for acetone cyanohydrin. 1985
Health effects assessment for acetone. 1984
Health effects assessment for acetone. 1988
Hydrocarbon solvent recovery in the presence of resin contaminants {microform} / 1984
Improvement of PMN Review Procedures to Estimate Protective Clothing Performance. Executive Summary Report. 1991
In Vivo Bone Marrow Chromosome Study in Rats with Acetone Cyanohydrin (Final Report) with Cover Letter dated 04/25/1986. 1986
Incidence of Skin Neoplasms in Control Mice, 1979-1986. 1988
Indoor air pollutants from household product sources / 1991
Indoor air pollutants from household product sources project summary / 1992
Isopropanol : information review / 1985
Kinetics of Mixed Microbial Assemblages Enhance Removal of Highly Dilute Organic Substrates (Journal Version). 1988
Laboratory studies of methanol, acetone, and methyl ethyl ketone generation from kraft pulp bleaching 1994
Local Lymph Node Assay in Mice (LLNA). 2010
Male Fertility Study of Sprague-dawley Rats Exposed by Inhalation Route to Acetone Cyanohydrin with Cover Letter dated 04/25/1986. 1986
Measurement of Volatile Chemical Emissions from Wastewater Basins. 1982
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