Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Collaborative study of method for the determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (nitric acid plants) / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
Collaborative study of method for the determination of sulfuric acid mist and sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources / 1974
Collaborative study of method for the determination of sulfuric acid mist and sulfur dioxide emissions from stationary sources / 1974
Collaborative Study of Reference Method for the Continuous Measurement of Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Non-Dispersive Infrared Spectrometry). 1972
Collaborative test of the chemiluminescent method for measurement of NO2 in ambient air / 1975
Collaborative testing of methods for measurements of N02 in ambient air : volume 1 - report of testing / 1974
Collection efficiency study of the proposed method 13 sampling train / 1975
Combined sewer overflow sediment transport model : documentation and evaluation / 1985
Community health environmental surveillance studies (CHESS) air pollution monitoring handbook: manual methods. 1976
Comparative Analysis of Dioxins and Furans in Ambient Air by High Resolution and Electron Capture Mass Spectrometry. 1992
Comparison Methods for the Determination of Alkyl Phosphates in Urine. 2003
Comparison of Methods for Collecting Interstitial Water for Trace Organic Compounds and Metals Analyses. 1992
Comparison of Microwave Detection Instruments. 1970
Comparison of NLCD with NWI Classifications of Baldwin and Mobile Counties, Alabama. 2009
Comparison of Systematic and Random Sampling for Estimating the Accuracy of Maps Generated from Remotely Sensed Data. 1992
Comparison of Verification Procedures for the Membrane Filter Total Coliform Technique. 1983
Comparison of wet chemical and instrumental methods for measuring airborne sulfate / 1976
Comprehensive field study plan to relate pollutant sources to acidic depostion : a preliminary study of uncertainties / 1986
Contact and Artificial Soil Tests Using Earthworms to Evaluate the Impact of Wastes in Soil. 1986
Conversion of Section-Township-Range to Latitude-Longitude: A Computer Technique. 1969
Determination of Nitrogen Dioxide in the Air. Establishment of the Nitrogen Dioxide-Nitrite Ion Conversion Factor (Opredelenie Soderzhaniya Dvuokisi Azota v Vozdukhe. Ustanovlenie Koeffitsienta Perekhoda Dvuokisi Azota v Nitrit-ion). 1973
Determination of trace metals in effluents by differential pulse anodic stripping voltametry / 1977
Determining Beryllium in Drinking Water by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. 1993
Determining the Concentration of Oil in Water Samples by Infrared Spectrophotometry: Phase II. Interlaboratory Study: Volume I. 1975
Development of a Method to Determine Ortho-, Pyro-, and Tripoly-Phosphate in Sediment. 1973
Development of Procedures to Assess the Performance of External Leak Detection Devices. Executive Summary Draft. 1988
Development of Standard Methods for the Collection and Analysis of Precipitation. 1986
Development of VOST sample analysis protocol for water-soluble volatile POHCs and PICs 1987
Direct/delayed response project : laboratory operations and quality assurance report for preparation of soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States / 1990
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance plan for soil sampling, preparation, and analysis / 1987
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analysis of soils from the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States / 1988
DrayFLEET: EPA SmartWay Drayage Activity and Emissions Model and Case Studies. 2008
DWSRF Guide to Understanding Audits. 2006
Dynamic Spiking Studies Using the DNPH Sampling Train. 1996
Effect of Instrument Averaging Time on Microwave Power Density Measurements. 1970
Effects of Anthropogenic Hydrocarbon Emission Reductions in Urban Areas with High Biogenic Hydrocarbon Emission Rates: Tampa and St. Petersburg Case Study. LAA Report No. P137-1. 1990
Elements of a Laboratory Quality Assurance Program. 1982
EMAP : Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Project. 1994
EnviroGard PCB test kit, Millipore, Inc. : innovative technology evaluation report / 1995
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Projec project summary / 1994
Environmental radioactivity laboratory intercomparison studies program, fiscal year 1981-1982 / 1981
Environmental Technology Report: Lead Dust Wipe Measurement Technology. Monitoring Technologies International, PDV 5000 Trace Element Analyzer. 2002
Environmental technology verification report : field-portable gas chromatograph: Perkin-Elmer photovac voyager / 1998
EPA method study 39, Method 504, 1,2-dibromoethane and 1,2 dibromo-3-chloropane in water by microextraction and gas chromotography {Microfiche} 1988
EPA method study 8, total mercury in water / 1977
EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Role in the Quality Assurance of Ambient Air Pollutant Measurements. 1986
Ester Hydrolysis Rate Constant Prediction from Infrared Interferograms. 1990
Evaluating Point Count versus Territory Mapping in Cropland Birds. 1982
Evaluation of a Muffle Furnace Procedure for Determining Percent Ash and Percent Weight Loss on Heating of Solid Wastes. 1971
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