Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 1999, 2000 and 2001 : the SLAMS PM2.5 Ambient Air Monitoring Program. 2004
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 2008, 2009, and 2010 PM2.5 ambient air monitoring program. 2014
3-year quality assurance report for calendar years 2011, 2012, and 2013 PM2.5 ambient air monitoring program. 2015
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A review of methods for measuring fugitive PM-10 emission rates from stationary sources / 1993
A Review of methods for remote sensing of atmospheric emissions from stationary sources / 1988
Absorption Dynamics of Organic Chemical Transport across Trout Gills as Related to Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient. 1985
Accuracy and Precision of Matching Inspired Lung Volume. 1981
Accuracy and Trace Organic Analyses. 1976
Accuracy assessment of 1992 Landstat-MSS derived land cover for the Upper San Pedro watershed (U.S./Mexico) {microform} / 2002
Accuracy audit of vehicle inspection and maintenance programs : final report / 1979
Accuracy of Population Projections for Subcounty Areas. 1977
Accuracy of remotely sensed SO2 mass emission rates / 1979
Acute-to-chronic estimation (ACE v 2.0) with time-concentration-effect models : user manual and software / 2003
Aerosol analysis for the regional air pollution study : interim report / 1978
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : models for estimating air emission rates from Superfund remedial actions. 1993
Alsterberg (AZID) Modification of the Winkler Method for the Determination of the BOD of Incinerator Quench Water and the Calibration of the Weston and Stack DO Analyzer Model 300-B. 1970
An evaluation of TGS-ANSA procedure for determination of nitrogen dioxide in ambient air / 1974
An evaluation of the ASTM standard method for determining the performance of a wind vane / 1980
Analysis for mercury in water : a preliminary study of methods / 1972
Analysis of atmospheric organic aerosols by mass spectroscopy / 1976
Analysis of data from long-term monitoring of lakes / 1987
Analysis of Manual Inventory Reconciliation. Executive Summary. 1988
Analysis of nitrite in no2 diffusion tubes using ion chromatography : project summary / 1987
Analysis of sulfur in fuel oils by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence / 1978
Analytical variability of five wastewater parameters : petroleum refining industry / 1976
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Annual Report on Air Quality in New England, 1999. 2000
Annual Report on Air Quality in New England, 2000. 2001
Annual Report on Air Quality in New England, 2001. 2002
Annual Report on Air Quality in New England, 2002. 2003
Annual Report on Air Quality in New England, 2003. 2004
Application of foam scrubbing to fine particle control : phase I / 1976
Application of foam scrubbing to fine particle control : phase II / 1977
Application of Some Pattern Recognition Methods in Interpreting Mass Spectra (Anwendung Einiger Methoden der Zutomatischen Zeichenerkennung auf die Interpretation von Massenspektren). 1974
Approach for estimating global landfill methane emissions / 1991
Assessment of the Adequacy of the Appendix F Quality Assurance Procedures for Maintaining CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems) Data Accuracy: Status Report 2. 1984
Automobile exhaust emission modal analysis model extension and refinement / 1974
Availability, adequacy, and comparability of testing proceduresfor the analysis of pollutants established under Section 304(h) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act : report to the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate. 1988
Behavior and Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil: A Literature Review. 1900
Bridger Instrument Modification. 1966
Cascade impactor calibration guidelines / 1976
Case Study Illustrating the Importance of Accurate Site Characterization. 2001
Characterization of vegetation and drainage in strip mined land utilizing remote sensing techniques / 1979
Chemical analyses for water pollutants : training manual / 1976
Chesapeake Bay Coordinated Split Sample Program annual report, 1990-1991 / 1993
CMAQ Modeling for Air Toxics at Fine Scales: A Prototype Study. 2004
Collaborative study of method 10 - reference method for determination of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources - report of testing / 1975
Collaborative study of method for the determination of nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources (fossil fuel-fired steam generators) / 1973
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