Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Abandoned mines)

Select Item Title Year Published
"Clean, safe & beautiful," the story of AML in Colorado / 1999
Abandoned Hardrock Mine Priority Sites, 1995 Summary Report 1995
Abandoned mine land inventory meeting 1994
Abandoned mine lands : a decade of progress reclaiming hardrock mines. 2007
Abandoned mine lands preliminary assessment handbook / 1998
Abandoned mine site characterization and cleanup handbook 2001
Abandoned mine site characterization and cleanup handbook / 2001
Abandoned mine site characterization and cleanup handbook / 2000
Abandoned Uranium Mines and the Navajo Nation : Navajo Nation AUM screening assessment report and atlas with geospatial data / 2007
Abandoned Uranium Mines and the Navajo Nation : Navajo Nation AUM screening assessment report and atlas with geospatial data / 2007
Abandoned Uranium Mines on the Navajo Nation : preliminary scoring results for AUM sites on or within 1 mile of the Navajo Nation / 2005
Abandoned-inactive mines program Deerlodge National Forest. Volume II, Cataract Creek Drainage 1995
Anthracite Region Mine Drainage Remediation Strategy (Technical Report). 2011
Anthracite Region Mine Drainage Remediation Strategy. 2011
Bats and mines / 1998
Best Management Practices to Mitigate Non-point Source Pollution at Abandoned Mines (workshop, 18th Annual AML Conference, Kalispell, Montana, September 17, 1996) 1996
Cleaning up abandoned mines : a western partnership / 1998
Cleaning-up abandoned and orphaned mines in California : a case comparison: Pacific Mine (UT) and the Mount Diablo Mercury Mine (CA) : the good samaritan initiative / 2009
Coal remining best management practices guidance manual / 2001
Comparison of predicted and actual water quality at hardrock mines: : the reliability of predictions in environmental impact statements / 2005
Comparison of predicted and actual water quality at hardrock mines: the reliability of predictions in environmental impact statements / {electronic resource} : 2005
Distribution of abandoned and inactive mines on national forest system lands / 1995
EPA needs to finish prioritization and resource allocation methodologies for abandoned uranium mine sites on or near Navajo lands / 2018
Evaluation of a Surface Application of Limestone for Controlling Acid Mine Discharges from Abandoned Strip Mines, Sewellsville, Ohio. 1984
Hardrock Mining Framework, Draft Final 1996
Interactive abandoned mine lands workshop series : acid mine water treatment technologies / 2006
Inventory and methodology for assessment of water quality problems related to abandoned and inactive mines in the central valley region of California / 1978
Mine site cleanup for brownfields redevelopment : a three-part primer / 2005
Mine waste technology program : permeable treatment wall effectiveness monitoring project Nevada Stewart Mine / 2007
Mine waste technology program remediation technology evaluation at the Gilt Edge Mine, South Dakota / [electronic resource] : 2004
Mine waste technology program underground mine source control demonstration project / [electronic resource] : 2005
Mine-scarred lands revitalization : models through partnerships / 2005
PCB's, Mining, and Water Pollution (presented at the WM'99 Conference, February 23 - March 4, 1999 Tucson AZ) 1999
Policy on joint repositories at mixed-ownersip hardrock mine sites 2005
Predicting water quality at hardrock mines : methods and models, uncertainties and state-of-the-art / {electronic resource} : 2005
Predicting water quality problems at hardrock mines : a failure of science, oversight, and good practice / {electronic resource} : 2006
Project Atlas : abandoned uranium mines project Arizona, New Mexico, Utah - Navajo lands, 1994-2000 / 2000
Promoting responsible redevelopment at the Empire Canyon Daly West Mine Site. 2008
Radiological Risk Assessment for Various Abandoned Mine Lands Clean-Up Criteria for State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality. 1988
Reclamation of Toxic Mine Waste Utilizing Sewage Sludge Contrary Creek Demonstration Project. 1982
Reclamation of Toxic Mine Waste Utilizing Sewage Sludge: Contrary Creek Demonstration Project - Addendum Report. 1984
Seminar publication : managing environmental problems at inactive and abandoned metals mine sites. 1996
Seminar publication Managing environmental problems at inactive and abandoned metals mine sites : seminar publication. 1994
Sulfate-reducing bacteria reactive wall demonstration. Mine Waste Technology Program activity III, project 12 / Final report : 2002
Surface overflows of abandoned mines in the eastern middle anthracite field / 1999
Tar Creek / 2010
Technical Report on Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials from Uranium Mining. Volume 2. Investigation of Potential Health, Geographic, and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines. 2007
Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials from uranium mining. 2007
Understanding and responding to hazardous substances at mine sites in the western United States 2007
Wetland mitigation in abandoned gravel pits : final report / 2010

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