Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 65
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Select Item Title Year Published
1995 farm bill policies to integrate agriculture and the environment 1994
Africa in crisis : the causes, the cures of environmental bankruptcy / 1985
Agrarian environments : resources, representations, and rule in India / 2000
Agrarian studies : synthetic work at the cutting edge / 2001
Agri-Environment Services Branch : applied research. 2011
Agricultural and environmental policies opportunities for integration. 1989
Agricultural conservation practices and related issues : reviews of the state of the art and research needs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Agricultural land conversion in Colorado. 1979
Agricultural policies for the 1990s 1990
Agricultural policy and sustainability : case studies from India, Chile, the Philippines, and the United States / 1993
Agricultural policy reform politics and process in the EC and the USA / 1990
Agricultural practices and water quality effects 1982
Agricultural production efficiency / 1975
Agriculture and the environment a study of farmers' practices and perceptions : report on a survey / 1990
Alternative agriculture / 1989
Assessment, prevention, monitoring, and response components of state management plans. Appendix B / 1994
Barnyards and Birkenstocks : why farmers and environmentalists need each other / 2014
Bittersweet harvests for global supermarkets : challenges in Latin America's agricultural export boom / 1995
Capital press. 0
Communities in the lead the northwest rural development sourcebook / 1993
Conserving data in the Conservation Reserve : how a regulatory program runs on imperfect information / 2010
Consultations tool book : a resource guide for those involved in planning and carrying out departmental consultations. 1996
Data and modeling for environmental credit trading : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Directory of state departments of agriculture 0
Disposal of Domestic Birds Infected by Avian Influenza: An Overview of Considerations and Options. 2006
Economic performance of organic farms in Europe 2000
Environmental benefits of conservation on cropland : the status of our knowledge / 2007
Environmental effects of U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Environmental impacts of organic farming in Europe 2000
Environmental services and agriculture [electronic resource] / 2009
Federal agricultural policy a harvest of environmental abuse / 1995
Federal Register : Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, 7 CFR Part 704, Commodity Credit Corporation, 7 CFR Part 1410, RIN 0560-AE95, Conservation Reserve Program-Long-term policy, proposed rule. 1996
Food, agriculture, and environmental law / 2013
Foodopoly : the battle over the future of food and farming in America / 2012
Holding our ground : protecting America's farms and farmland / 1997
Home grown : the case for local food in a global market / 2002
Implementing agricultural conservation practices : barriers and incentives : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Integrating sustainable agriculture, ecology and environmental policy / 1992
Integrating sustainable agriculture, ecology, and environmental policy / 1992
Integrating sustainable agriculture, ecology, and environmental policy : proceedings of a workshop July 22-23, 1991, Arlington, Virginia / 1992
Land policy and agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa selected papers presented at a workshop held in Gaborone, Botswana, 14-19 February, 1982 / 1986
Land use and management in Maryland 1996
Making changes : turning local visions into national solutions : agriculture and rural development policy recommendations from the Agriculture Policy Project. 2001
Northwest Agricultural Development Project, final report 1981
Organizing and operating dryland farms in the Great Plains : summary of regional research project GP-2 / 1967
Paying the farm bill : U.S. agricultural policy and the transition to sustainable agriculture / 1991
Paying the price pesticide subsidies in developing countries / 1985
Place to live. 1963
Plowshares and pork barrels : the political economy of agriculture / 2005
Political economy of U.S. agriculture challenges for the 1990s / 1989
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