Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21

Select Item Title Year Published
A national dialogue on the worker protection standard. 1997
Diaâlogo nacional acerca de las normas de proteccioân para el trabajador, tomo uno : transcripciones de las vistas puâblicas : primera parte. 1998
Diaâlogo nacional acerca de las normas de proteccioân para el trabajador: anexo: comentarios escritos. 1998
El Corrido de los pesticidas / 1996
Environmental equity and pesticide exposure : final draft / 1993
Farm workers' pesticide safety. 1975
Harvest of sorrow : farm workers and pesticides / 1992
How to comply with the worker protection standard for agricultural pesticides : what employers need to know & additional resources. 2006
Migrant farmworkers in the United States : briefings of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. 1993
Occupational health of migrant and seasonal farmworkers in the United States 1986
On the season; a report of a public health project conducted among Negro migrant agricultural workers in Palm Beach County, Florida 1961
Pesticides : improvements needed to ensure the safety of farmworkers and their children : report to congressional requesters / 2000
Preventing pesticide-related illness in California agriculture : strategies and priorities / 1993
Protéjase de los pesticidas : guía para los que manejan pesticidas. 2006
Regulatory impact analysis of worker protection standard for agricultural pesticides / 1992
Siguiendo el sol = Chasing the sun : worker protection standard training video for agricultural workers, National Migrant Resource Program. 2004
Siguiendo el sol = Chasing the sun. 1994
The death of Ramón González : the modern agricultural dilemma / 1992
Toxic injustice : a transnational history of exposure and struggle / 2015
Worker protection standard : materials developed by EPA, states and other organizations. 1994
Worker protection standard : materials developed by EPA, states and other organizations. 1994

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