Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=White River)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"The Utes must go!" : American expansion and the removal of a people / 2004
An ecological and habitat vulnerability assessment of the White River Basin : research plan / 2001
Arapahoe Basin Master Development Plan, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1998
Arapahoe Basin Master Development Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision 1999
Arapahoe Basin, Master Development Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999
Aspen Highlands Ski Area Final Environmental Impact Statement 1997
Aspen Highlands Ski Area, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1996
Aspen Highlands Ski Area, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Summary 1996
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Yampa and White River basins / 1980
Assessment of macroinvertebrate monitoring techniques in an energy development area : a test of the efficiency of three macrobenthic sampling methods in the White River / 1979
Beaver Reservoir Study. Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas 1959
Beaver Reservoir Study. Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas. 1959
Biological criteria development for large rivers with an emphasis on an assessment of the White River drainage, Indiana / 1992
Biomonitoring of the White River, Colorado and Utah, 1980 and 1981 / 1983
Case Studies and Model Testing of the Metals Exposure Analysis Modeling System (MEXAMS). 1986
Channelization assessment, White River, Vermont : remote sensing, benthos, and wildlife / 1976
Copper Mountain Resort, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Trails and Facitities Improvements 2006
Copper Mountain Resort, Record of Decision, Trails and Facilities Improvements 2006
Copper Mountain Resort: Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Trails and Facilities Improvements 2003
Cumulative impact analysis of wetlands using hydrologic indices 1994
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Uintah Basin Synfuels Development 1982
Draft Vail Category III Ski Area Development Environmental Impact Statement 1995
Drainage areas of streams in Arkansas White River Basin / 1974
Economic Analyses of Optimal Water Quality Management. 1972
Effects of advanced treatment of municipal wastewater on the White River near Indianapolis, Indiana : trends in water quality, 1978-86 / 1993
Eutrophication Model of the White River Basin above Beaver Reservoir in Northwest Arkansas. 1973
Evaluation of Natural Rivers. 1971
Final Environmental Baseline Report, Federal Prototype Oil Shale Leasing Program, Tracts U-a and U-b, Utah, White River Shale Project 1977
Final Environmental Impact Statement Vail Category III Ski Area Development, Volume 1 1996
Final Environmental Impact Statement Vail Category III Ski Area Development; response to comments on the draft environmental impact statement, Volume II 1996
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendices B-M and P-Q, Volume 3 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix A - Response to Comment, Volume 2 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix N - Biological Evaluation, Volume 4 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Uintah Basin Synfuels Development, Volume 1 and 2 1983
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan, 2002 Revision) 2002
Fish community and habitat data at selected sites in the White River Basin, Indiana, 1993-95 / 1997
General availability of ground water and depth to water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red River Basins / 1953
Homestake Phase II Project, Eagle County, Colorado, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1982
Homestake Phase II Project, Eagle County, Colorado, Summary of Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1982
Identification of Water Quality Problem Areas 1976
Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs, White River Basin, Missouri and Arkansas. 1967
Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision 2002
Landscape Atlas of Ecological Vulnerability: Arkansas' White River Watershed and the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Ecoregion. 2000
Macroinvertebrate inventories of the White River, Colorado and Utah : significance of annual, seasonal, and spatial variation in the design of biomonitoring networks for pollution detection / 1984
Macroinvertebrate inventories of the White River, Colorado and Utah : significance of annual, seasonal, and spatial variation in the design of biomonitoring networks for pollution detection / 1984
Macroinvertebrate sampling techniques for streams in semi-arid regions : comparison of the Surber method and a unit-effort traveling kick method / 1978
Mathematical modeling and load allocation study for the west fork, White River : thermal load allocation for White River between Riverwood and Martinsville. 1975
Meeker Well and Other Phenomena in the Vicinity of the Meeker Dome, Rio Blanco County, Colorado - A Summary Report on the Feasibility of Control of Seepage of Saline Ground Water 1972
Organic compounds in White River water used for public supply near Indianapolis, Indiana, 2002-05 / 2011
Partial Exploration Plan Environmental Baseline Data Collection and Monitoring Element, Federal Oil Shale Prototype Leasing Program,Tracts U-a and U-b, Utah 1974
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