Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
A pilot study of drinking water systems at Bureau of Reclamation developments. 1973
A review and assessment of factors affecting hydraulic conductivity values determined from slug tests / 1994
A Review of sources of ground-water contamination from light industry. 1990
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin Area. 1972
Accuracy of depth to water measurements / 1991
Agency Roles and Authorization in Groundwater Management: Groundwater Management Strategy for Michigan. 1981
Ambient Monitoring of Pollutants Around Synfuel Plants. 1984
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia. Supplemental Report. 1994
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1985
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1985
Analysis and Interpretation of Single-Well Tracer Tests in Stratified Aquifers. 1985
Analysis of a Land Disposal Damage Incident Involving Hazardous Waste Materials. Dover Township, New Jersey. 1976
Analysis of Contaminated Well Water and Health Effects in Woburn, Massachusetts. 1986
Analysis of the Demands for Water from the Private Sector in a Sub-Arctic Urban Area. 1972
Another look : National survey of pesticides in drinking water wells : phase II report. 1992
Applicability of wellhead protection area delineation to domestic wells : a case study / 1995
Aquifer Performance Tests Under Two-Phase Flow Conditions. 1971
Arsenic removal from drinking water by ion exchange U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Fruitland, ID : six-month evaluation report / [electronic resource] : 2007
Artificial Recharge Practices in Hawaii. 1970
Assessment of CWS Facilities Utilizing the Macon-Christian Strip Aquifer in Central Illinois. 1997
Bacterial Movement through Fractured Bedrock. 1972
Base-Flow Recession in Illinois. 1971
Benefits and costs of prevention : Case studies of community wellhead protection. Volume 1 / 1996
Benefits and costs of prevention : Case studies of community wellhead protection. Volume 2, Detailed case studies of seven communities / 1996
Benefits of reducing nitrate contamination in private domestic wells under CAFO. 2002
Blaine Gypsum Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project. 1997
Business benefits of wellhead protection case studies : Dayton, Ohio, Xenia, Ohio, and Pekin, Illinois / 1996
Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP) Documents Available. 1988
Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP): Hydrogeologic Papers. 1988
Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP): Institutionsl Recommendations. 1988
Case studies in wellhead protection area delineation and monitoring / 1993
CERCLA Site Close Out. How Clean is Clean. An EPA Perspective. 2010
Changes in Conditions at Wildcat Landfill Superfund Site in Delaware Call for Increased EPA Oversight. Evaluation Report. 2010
Characterization of soil disposal system leachates / 1984
Chemical Time-Series Sampling. 1982
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to household well users / 1990
Class V Underground Injection Control Study. Volume 22: Noncontact Cooling Water Wells. 1999
Clean water report for southwestern Wyoming : final technical report / 1978
CME (Comprehensive Groundwater Monitoring Evaluation) Inspection Training System (on CD-ROM). 1994
CME (Comprehensive Groundwater Monitoring Evaluation) Inspection Training System (on CD-ROM). 1996
Community Water Supply Study, Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. 1970
Community Water Supply Study, Kansas City SMSA. 1970
Comparison of Geostatistical Methods for Estimating Virus Inactivation Rates in Ground Water. 1987
Computer Methods for Transient Analysis of Water-Table Aquifers. 1971
Computerized Procedure to Determine Aquifer Characteristics. 1972
Confining layer study / 1984
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