Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Alaska village demonstration projects"; report to Congress. 1973
'Giardia' Detection in Water Systems. 1986
'Klebsiella' Densities in Waters Receiving Wood Pulp Effluents. 1976
'Klebsiella' Occurrence, Significance and Detection in Water Systems: A Progress Report. 1985
... Groundwater in Montana. 1969
1,2,3-Trichloropropane : drinking water health advisory / 1989
100 problems in environmental health : a collection of promising research problems. / 1961
15-17 Duke Street, Riverhead, Auckland : final archaeological investigation report (Sites R10/721 and R10/1376) : in accordance with NZHPT Authority No. 2013/379 / 2022
1963 inventory : municipal water facilities. 1964
1975 national water assessment state regional future Texas gulf region. [review copy]. 1975
1975 water assessment Lower Colorado Region technical memorandum no. 1 : problem identification. 1975
1975-1980 supplement to Annotated list of publications 1980
1982 Great Lakes Water Resources Conference : Mackinac Island, Michigan, June 10-11, 1982. 1982
1983 Annual report : committee on the assessment of human health effects of great lakes water quality. 1983
1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act : impacts on Virginia's water supply industry / 1991
1988 National water and wastewater rate survey 1988
1993 municipal water and wastewater resource directory for Idaho city leaders. 1993
1999 safe drinking water report. 1999
2000 Annual Conference proceedings June 11-15, 2000, Denver, Colorado / {electronic resource} : 2000
2001 Annual Conference proceedings June 17-21, 2001, Washington, D.C. / {electronic resource} : 2001
2007 safe drinking water report. 2007
2009 water quality report. 2009
2010 water rate information : maintaining a plentiful supply of the highest quality water. 2009
2012 highlights of progress : responses to climate change by the National Water Program / 2013
2013 highlights of progress : responses to climate change by the National Water Program / 2014
2013 sustainable water management conference : proceedings, April 7-10, 2013, Nashville, Tennessee / 2013
2014 highlights of progress : responses to climate change by the National Water Program / 2015
2014 water shortage preparedness survey results / 2014
2015 highlights of progress : responses to climate change by the National Water Program / 2015
2015 Workplan : National Water Program response to climate change. 2015
2016 highlights of progress : responses to climate change by the National Water Program / 2017
2016 Workplan : National Water Program response to climate change. 2016
25 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act : history and trends / 1999
25 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act : protecting our health from source to tap. 1999
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
404(b)(1) Evaluation: Two Forks Dam and Reservoir Section 404 Permit Application 1989
A classification system for water and wastewater facilities and personnel : Part 2--Personnel certification and examination system. 1976
A classification system for water and wastewater facilities and personnel : Part 3--Existing examination systems : a current status report / 1976
A comprehensive study of Houston's municipal water system. 1966
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay, 1962-63 : Suisun Bay-Lower San Joaquin River Area, San Pablo Bay Area North San Francisco Bay area ; third annual report of the State Water Pollution Control Board / 1964
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A dictionary of civil, water resources & environmental engineering / 2013
A ditch in time : the city, the west, and water / 2012
A dynamic decision support system : linking water resource simulation and decision analysis / 2011
A feasibility study of mainland shelf undersea aqueducts : (coastal delivery of waters of the Eel, Klamath and Rogue Rivers to central and southern California) / 1965
A Framework for measuring the economic benefits of ground water. 1995
A great aridness : climate change and the future of the American southwest / 2011
A ground water manual for small communities / 1981
A groundwater protection strategy for Virginia / 1987
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