Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Klebsiella' Occurrence, Significance and Detection in Water Systems: A Progress Report. 1985
A comprehensive study of Houston's municipal water system. 1966
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1985. 1984
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1986. 1985
A study of improving compliance of mobile home parks : final report, June 30, 1989 / 1989
Abiotic degradation of DBPs in distribution systems / 2009
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) concerning EPA's proposed drinking water distribution system research project. 1996
Algorithm for Mixing Problems in Water Systems. 1985
An assessment of water distribution systems and associated research needs / 1994
An SAB report : review of the research plan for microbial pathogens and disinfection byproducts in drinking water. 1997
Analysis of Drinking Water Systems: A Spatial Approach. 1985
Analysis of the economic potential and water requirements of north central Oklahoma 1953
Analysis of the economic potential and water requirements of southeastern Oklahoma 1953
Analysis of the Economics of Water Supply in the Washington Metropolitan Area. 1980
Analysis of the Regulation, Organization and Operations of a Regional Water Management Institution Founded in 1846. 1972
Analysis of water distribution systems 1984
Animation and Visualization of Water Quality in Distribution Systems. 1992
Annual Statistical Report, 1971 1971
Answers to challenging infrastructure management questions / 2014
Application of Modeling and Operations Research Techniques to Drinking Water Systems. 1986
Application Study in Water Distribution Control. 1974
Arid Urban Water Management: Some Economic, Institution and Physical Aspects. 1971
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Dummerston, VT. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2008
Arsenic removal from drinking water by adsorptive media USEPA demonstration project at Brown City, MI : six-month evaluation report / [electronic resource] : 2006
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media, U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Upper Bodfish in Lake Isabella, CA. Interim Evaluation Report. 2008
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media. U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Chateau Estates Mobile Home Park in Springfield, OH. Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2007
Arsenic removal from drinking water by iron removal U.S. EPA demonstration project at Sabin, MN, six-month evaluation report / [electronic resource] : 2008
Arsenic removal from drinking water by iron removal U.S. EPA demonstration project at Vintage on the Ponds in Delavan, WI, six-month evaluation report / [electronic resource] : 2007
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Iron Removal, U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Sabin, MN, Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2010
Assessing and controlling bacterial regrowth in distribution systems / 1990
Assessment and implications of bacterial regrowth in water distribution systems / 1982
Assessment and implications of bacterial regrowth in water distribution systems / 1982
Assessment and renewal of water distribution systems 2004
Assessment of chloramine and chlorine residual decay in the distribution system / 2006
Association of Microorganisms with Surfaces in Distribution Systems. 1991
AWWA small systems field guide : water and wastewater / 2014
AWWA standard for open-channel, fabricated-metal slide gates. 1997
Bacterial regrowth in distribution systems 1988
Baseline Report on Water Pollution. St. Johns River Basin. 1951
Big eddies and mixing processes in the Great Lakes / 1973
Bioassay Procedures for Predicting Coliform Bacterial Growth in Drinking Water. 1990
Biologically mediated corrosion and water quality deterioration in distribution systems / 1984
Biologically mediated corrosion and water quality deterioration in distribution systems / 1984
Book of abstracts for the 8th annual international symposium on water distribution systems analysis : August 27-30, 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio / 2006
Building water system capacity : a guide for tribal administrators. 2001
Calculating the pH of Calcium Carbonate Saturation. 1985
Case for Drinking Water Systems. 1987
Case studies assessing low-cost, in-place technologies at small water systems / 1992
Case studies of the impacts of treatment changes on biostability in full scale distributions systems 2000
Case studies to identify occurrence, accuracy and causes of reverse flow using meter systems / 2016
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