Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 813
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water chemistry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A controlled bioassay system for measuring toxicity of heavy metals / 1977
A framework for real-time decision-making : New Bedford harbor pilot dredging study / 1989
A problem-solving approach to aquatic chemistry / 2003
A regional survey of the chemistry of headwater lakes and streams in New England : vulnerability to acidification / 1983
A Review of surface-water sediment fractions and their interactions with persistent manmade organic compounds / 1987
A user's guide for REDEQL. EPA : a computer program for chemical equilibria in aqueous systems / 1978
Abiotic Dehalogenation of 1,2-Dichloroethane and 1,2-Dibromoethane in Aqueous Solution Containing Hydrogen Sulfide. 1989
Abiotic reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane by environmental reductants / 1990
Abiotic transformation of carbon tetrachloride at mineral surfaces 1994
Abiotic transformation of carbon tetrachloride in the presence of sulfide and mineral surfaces / 1992
Abiotic Transformation Pathways of Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Ecosystems. 1994
Accumulation of tritium in various species of fish reared in tritiated water. / 1974
Acid Deposition and Watershed Characteristics in Relation to Lake Chemistry in Northeastern Minnesota. 1985
Acid Deposition in Maryland. Summary of 1993 Research and Monitoring Results and Evaluation of Status and Trends. 1995
Acid Mine Pollution Effects on Lake Biology. 1971
Acid-Base Characteristics of Organic Carbon in the Humex Lake Skjervatjern. 1992
Acidic Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies. 1990
Acidic Episodes and Surface Water Chemistry: A Comparison of Northeast and Southeast Study Sites. 1987
Acidic Episodes in Surface Waters in Europe. 1992
Acidification and Recovery of a Spodosol Bs Horizon from Acidic Deposition. 1990
Acute and chronic toxicity of copper to the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis : final report / 1998
Acute and chronic toxicity of copper to the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis : final report / 1998
Adirondack lakes study, 1984-1987 : an evaluation of fish communities and water chemistry / 1989
Adsorption processes for water treatment 1987
Advances in Hazardous Waste Site Alluvial Sampling. 1991
Aeration of Natural Waters: A Bibliography. 1973
Agricultural Impacts on Ground Water Conference 1988
Agricultural NPS Control of Phosphorus in the New York State, Lake Ontario Basin. Volume 1. Delivery of Phosphorus to Lake Ontario from Cultivated Mucklands in Oak Orchard Creek Watershed. 1991
Alaska placer mining metals study 1998
Alaska placer mining metals study : year two / 1999
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : Part II. Nitrogen available in Lake Ontario tributary water samples and urban runoff from Madison, Wisconsin / 1977
Algal Photosynthesis, Algal Abundance, and Chemistry of Lake Water at Fairmont, Minnesota. 1973
Alkalinity Regulation in Softwater Florida Lakes. 1988
Aluminum Precipitation and Dissolution Rates in Spodosol Bs Horizons in the Northeastern USA. 1989
Always a river : supplemental environmental education curriculum on the Ohio River and water grades K-12 / 1991
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for selenium / 1987
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for silver : draft. 1987
An analysis of survey data on the chemistry of twenty-three streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : some implications of the impact of acid deposition / 1983
An assessment methodology for the environmental impact of water resource projects / 1974
An Ecological assessment of Western streams and rivers / 2005
An environmental assessment of the streams of Putnam County, Indiana and vicinity with special emphasis on the effects of animal feedlots / 1995
An evaluation of environmental stress imposed by a coal ash effluent : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1985
An evaluation of the National Eutrophication Survey data, 1977
Analysis and interpretation of water-quality trends in major U.S. rivers, 1974-81 / 1987
Analysis and Interpretation of Zooplankton Samples Collected during Phase 2 of the Eastern Lake Survey. 1992
Analysis of data from long-term monitoring of lakes / 1987
Analysis of Emissions from Outboard Two Cycle Marine Engines. 1975
Analysis of hydrogeochemical vulnerability / 2018
Analysis of Pollution from Marine Engines and Effects on the Environment. 1975
Analysis of Pollution from Marine Engines and Effects on the Environment. Southern Lakes. 1975
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