Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Spectrochemical analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A GC/MS data management process / 1984
Adaptation of the Gold Amalgamation Sampling and Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Mercury in Stack Gases to High SO2 Environments Observed in Smelters. 1972
Aerosol analysis for the regional air pollution study : interim report / 1978
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume VII. Measurements of Dispersal and Concentration, Identification, and Sanitary Evaluation of Various Air Pollutants, with Special Reference to the Environs of Electric Power Plants and Ferrous Metallurgical Plants. 1971
Air pollution aspects of chromium and its compounds 1970
Air pollution aspects of mercury and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of nickel and its compounds 1970
Air Quality Data for Metals 1968 and 1969 from the National Air Surveillance Networks. 1973
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 1: Text. 1984
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 2: Appendices. 1984
Atlas of spectral data and physical constants for organic compounds / 1975
Atomic Absorption Analysis of Phosphates in Water. 1973
Automated Water Monitoring Instrument for Phosphorus Contents. 1973
Chemometrics in analytical spectroscopy 1995
Comparison of Photochemical Behavior of Various Humic Substances in Water: III. Spectroscopic Properties of Humic Substances. 1981
Continuous measurement of sulfur in submicrometric aerosols / 1976
Determination of DDT and Related Substances in Human Fat. 1953
Determination of Mercury in stack Gases of High SO2 Content by the Gold Amalgamation Technique. 1973
Determination of Trace Elements in Water Utilizing Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Measurement. 1972
Development and Testing of a Double-Beam Adsorption Spectrograph for the Simultaneous Determination of Different Cations in Water. 1972
Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Synchronous Luminescence Spectrofluorometer. 1993
Development of air particulate monitoring systems / 1974
Development of instrumentation for quantitative collection of total atmospheric mercury from ambient air / 1973
Development of sampling and analytical methods of lime/limestone wet scrubbing tests / 1974
Development of the Gold Amalgamation Sampling and Analytical Procedure for Investigation of Mercury in Stack Gases. 1972
Development of X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Elemental Analysis of Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere and in Source Emissions. 1972
Distribution of Trace Metals in Impoundments. 1970
EPA recommended practice for naming I/M calibration gas. 1983
Evaluation of a microwave-induced plasma spectrometer : for trace analysis / 1974
Evaluation of an inductively coupled plasma, multichannel spectrometric analysis system. 1977
Evaluation of X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis for the Determination of Arsenic, Vanadium, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury in Various Matrices. 1976
Feasibility study for adapting present combustion source continuous monitoring systems to hazardous waste incinerators / 1984
Geochemical Effects of Mining Pollution on the Streams of Southeast Missouri. 1970
High purity PNA hydrocarbons and other aromatic compounds : synthesis and purification / 1978
High-Resolution PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls) Analysis: Synthesis and Chromatographic Properties of All 209 PCB Congeners. 1984
Impact of Lead-Zinc Mining on the Quality and Ecology of Surface Waters in Southeast Missouri. 1970
Instrumental Analysis of Chemical Pollutants (107) Training Manual. 1974
Instrumental Analysis of Chemical Pollutants. Training Manual. 1971
Instrumentation for monitoring specific particulate substances in stationary source emissions / 1973
Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners Using Multiple Carbon-13 Internal Standards. 1986
Mercury Pollution of Golf Course Lakes. 1972
Methanol Measurement in Auto Exhaust Using a Gas-Filter Correlation Spectrometer. 1985
Method of Chemical Analysis for Oil Shale Wastes. 1984
Methods of analysis for by-product PCBs : literature review and preliminary recommendations / 1982
Mobility of organic compounds from hazardous wastes / 1983
Occurrence and distribution of potentially volatile trace elements in coal / 1974
Off-Line Analysis Programs for Long-Path Spectrometer. 1972
Phosphorimetry: the application of phosphorescence to the analysis of organic compounds / 1968
Photochemical Reduction of Zn-Etioporphyrin in Frozen Solutions; Structure of Reduced Forms (Fotokhimicheskoe Vosstanovlenie Zn-Etioporfirina v Zamorozhennykh Rastvorakh. Struktura Vosstanovlennykh Form). 1973
Pollutant analysis cost survey / 1974
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