Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
106-mile deepwater sludge dumpsite survey : summer 1986 : initial survey report / 1987
10th Annual Residuals & Biosolids Management Conference : 10 years of progress and a look toward the future : August 18-21, 1996, Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, Colorado. 1996
1977 National Conference on Composting of Municipal Residues and Sludges, August 23-25, 1977 1978
1978 needs survey : conveyance and treatment of municipal wastewater summaries of technical data. 1979
1978 winter municipal wastewater treatment facility : performance report / 1979
1992 Beneficial Sewage Sludge Use Awards Program / 1991
200 MGD activated sludge plant removes phosphorus by pickle liquor / 1973
200 MGD Activated Sludge Plant Removes Phosphorus by Pickle Liquor. 1973
2nd World Water Congress: environmental monitoring, contaminants and pathogens : selected proceedings of the 2nd World Water Congress of the International Water Association, held in Berlin, Germany, 15-19 October 2001 / 2002
A brief outline of a study of sewage sludge dumping in the New York Bight / 1972
A Citizen's guide to how innovative technologies are being successfully applied at Superfund sites. 1992
A comparison of combined trickling filter and activated sludge processes / 1983
A comparison of ecosystem and single-species tests of sewage effluent toxicity : a mesocosm experiment ; data report / 1987
A comparison of oxidation ditch plants to competing processes for secondary and advanced treatment of municipal wastes / 1978
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
A Complete disposal-recycle scheme for agricultural solid wastes / 1977
A computer model for evaluating community phosphorus removal strategies, 1973
A demonstrated approach for improving performance and reliability of biological wastewater treatment plants / 1979
A field-scale study of the use of paper industry sludges in landfill cover systems : final report / 1997
A Field-scale study of the use of paper industry sludges in landfill cover systems : first progress report. 1990
A generalized computer model for steady-state performance of the activated sludge process / 1969
A guide to federal environmental requirements for small governments / 1993
A guide to regulations and guidance for the utilization and disposal of municipal sewage sludge. 1980
A guide to the selection of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems / 1975
A guide to the selection of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems / 1975
A handbook on treatment of hazardous waste leachate / 1987
A method for recovering viruses from sludges / 1981
A plain English guide to the EPA part 503 biosolids rule / 1994
A practical technology : rapid infiltration / a viable land treatment alternative. 1983
A practical technology, land application of sludge : a viable alternative. 1983
A Primer on the Office of Water Enforcement and Compliance and its programs / 1993
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : sewage sludge incinerators / 1978
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources : sewage sludge incinerators / 1979
A review of standards of performance for new stationary sources incinerators / 1979
A review of techniques for incineration of sewage sludge with solid wastes / 1977
A study of forced aeration composting of wastewater sludge / 1978
A study of nitrate respiration in the activated sludge process / 1980
A study of pesticide disposal in a sewage sludge incinerator. 1975
A study of sludge handling and disposal / 1968
A study of the Lawrence and McCarty [Theta]c design model as an operational control method for the activated sludge process / 1980
A thesis entitled the effect of flocculation chemicals on the activated sludge treatment of raw sewage / 1971
Abiotic Reduction Reactions of Anthropogenic Organic Chemicals in Anaerobic Systems: A Critical Review. 1986
Abstract proceedings : forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international : Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-21, 1989. 1989
Abstract proceedings : fourth forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international, San Francisco, CA, November 17-19, 1992. 1992
Abstract proceedings : Fourth Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : San Francisco, CA, November 17-19, 1992. 1993
Abstract proceedings : Second Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : Philadelphia, PA, May 15-17, 1990. 1990
Abstracts of phase I and phase II awards : Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) 1991. 1992
Acceptable methods based upon current knowlendge [sic] for the utilization or disposal of sludges from publicly owned wastewater treatment plants. 1980
Actinomycetes of sewage-treatment plants / 1977
Actinomycetes of sewage-treatment plants / 1975
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