Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sewage filtration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1971 Annual Review of Literature. Waste Water Treatment Physical and Chemical Methods. 1972
A compilation of cost information for conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants and processes / 1967
Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar, Session III, Removal of Solids and Organics, Held at San Francisco, on October 28-29, 1970. 1970
Backwash of granular filters used in wastewater filtration / 1977
Carbon Column Operation in Waste Water Treatment. 1970
Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Alternatives Washington, D.C. 1970
Construction costs for municipal wastewater treatment plants: 1973-1977 / 1978
Contaminants associated with direct and indirect reuse of municipal wastewater / 1978
Conventional tertiary treatment / 1976
Cost and performance estimates for tertiary wastewater treating processes / 1969
Countermeasures for pollution from overflows : the state of the art / 1974
Crazed Resin Filtration of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1968
Cross-flow filtration in physical-chemical treatment of municipal sewage effluents / 1976
Demineralization of wastewater by electrodialysis / 1975
Design Requirements for Municipal Diatomite Filters. 1965
Design Requirements for Municipal Diatomite Filters. 1964
Development and applications of a multiple-batch leaching procedure / 1986
Development and Evaluation Report: Physical-Chemical Marine Sanitation System. 1974
Developments at Ninth International Conference on Water Pollution Research Held at Stockholm, Sweden on June 12-16, 1978. 1978
Dual process high-rate filtration of raw sanitary sewage and combined sewer overflows / 1979
Energy conservation in municipal wastewater treatment / 1978
Field Study of Nitrification with the Submerged Filter. 1973
Final report, deepwater pilot plant treatability study / 1974
Floc Strength and Filterability of Pretreated Water. 1968
Hatfield Township, Pennsylvania advanced waste treatment plant / 1975
High rate nutrient removal for combined sewer overflows : bench scale and demonstration scale studies / 1978
In-Sewer Fixed Screening of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1970
Integrated activated sludge biological filter process / 1971
Intermittent sand filters 1994
Intermittent Sand Filtration to Upgrade Existing Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 1974
Mechanism for Ash Assisted Sludge Dewatering. 1976
Microstraining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows, 1970
Microstraining and Disinfection of Combined Sewer Overflows. Phase II. 1973
Microstraining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows. Phase III / 1974
Monitoring septage addition to wastewater treatment plants : volume II, vacuum filtration of Septage / 1980
Multi-purpose combined sewer overflow treatment facility Mount Clemens, Michigan / 1975
Phosphorus Removal Using Chemical Coagulation and a Continuous Countercurrent Filtration Process. 1970
Physical-Chemical Treatment of Combined and Municipal Sewage. 1973
Pilot scale evaluations of septage treatment alternatives / 1978
Planning, Development and Management of Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Training Manual. 1971
Preliminary Design of Surface Filtration Units (Microscreening). 1969
Preliminary treatment facilities : design and operational considerations / 1987
Primary Treatment and Sludge Dewatering by Vibrating Screens. 1968
Process Design Manual for Suspended Solids Removal. 1971
Rapid-Flow Filter for Sewer Overflows. 1969
Replacement of activated sludge secondary clarifiers by dynamic straining / 1975
Report of Waste Source Inventory and Evaluation, Dade County, Florida. Technical Appendix II. Minor Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 1971
Review of the environmental effects of chromium 1976
Short Course Proceedings: Applications of Computer Programs in the Preliminary Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities; Section I. Workshop Lectures. 1978
Sludge processing, transportation and disposal resource recovery : a planning perspective / 1975
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