Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pulp mills)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Klebsiella' Densities in Waters Receiving Wood Pulp Effluents. 1976
1997 Review of the literature on pulp and paper industry effluent management. 1998
A test method for the measurement of methanol emissions from stationary sources / 1994
Activated carbon treatment of unbleached kraft effluent for reuse / 1975
Acute toxicity and detoxification of Kraft Pulp Mill effluent / 1974
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: pulp and paper industry : a bibliography with abstracts. 1973
Amelia River Pilot Study for Implementing EPA's Toxic Control Policy. 1991
Anaerobic technology : a review of research, development, and demonstration activity in the agrifood and pulp and paper industries / 1988
Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Fiber in the U.S. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Volume 2. Section IX - Process Economics. 1975
Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Fiber in the U.S. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Volume One. Sections I-VIII and X. 1976
Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Fiber in the U.S. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Volume Three. Appendices. 1976
Analytical methods for the determination of pollutants in pulp and paper industry wastewater. 1993
Analytical system for measuring malodorous compounds from kraft mills / 1978
Atmospheric emissions from the pulp and paper manufacturing industry : cooperative study project / 1973
Background document to the integrated risk assessment for dioxins and furans from chlorine bleaching in pulp and paper mills / 1990
Bench-scale dioxin treatability study for pulp and paper wastewaters / by Radian Corporation. 1991
Biological and Chemical Studies on 3-Chloro-4(Dichloromethyl)-5-Hydroxy-2(5H)-Furanone: A Potent Mutagen in Kraft Pulp Chlorination Effluent and Chlorinated Drinking Water. 1988
Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Trends in Water Quality in Puget Sound. 1988
Chemical recovery combustion sources at kraft and soda pulp mills / 1996
Color characterization before and after lime treatment / 1974
Color Removal from Kraft Pulp Mill Effluents by Massive Lime Treatment. 1973
Color removal from kraft pulping effluent by lime addition / 1971
Combined reverse osmosis and freeze concentration of bleach plant effluents / 1978
Compilation of 'air toxic' and total hydrocarbon emissions data for sources at chemical wood pulp mills. 1995
Compilation of Canadian provincial and federal regulations relevant to pulp and paper and wood products facilities / 2007
Compilation of speciated reduced sulfur compound and total reduced sulfur emissions data for kraft mill sources 2002
Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report: Silver Engineering Works, Aurora, Colorado. 1990
Computed waste treatment costs related to Puget Sound pulp mills 1967
Control techniques for carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources / 1973
Controlling pollution from Canadian pulp and paper manufacturers : a federal perspective / 1990
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitation guidelines for the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry. 1993
Deposit control technology for kraft recovery units / 1984
Design considerations for pulp and paper-mill sludge landfills / 1976
Design of an Overview System for Evaluating the Public-Health Hazards of Chemicals in the Environment. Volume I. Test-Case Studies. 1967
Development document for best conventional pollutant control technology effluent limitations guidelines for the pulp, paper, and paperboard and the builders' paper and board mills point source categories. 1987
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the pulp, paper and paperboard point source category 1993
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the pulp, paper and paperboard point source category. 1993
Development of a Test Method for the Measurement of Gaseous Methanol Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1993
Disposal of an integrated pulp-paper mill effluent by irrigation / 1979
Ecological baseline and monitoring study for Port Gardner and adjacent waters a summary report for the years 1972 through 1975 / 1976
Ecological Baseline and Monitoring Study for Port Gardner and Adjacent Waters. 1976
Economic Analysis for the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category-Phase 1. 1997
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations and standards for the deink subcategory in the pulp, paper and paperboard industry / 1982
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards, for the pulp, paper, and paperboard mills point source category / 1980
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards, for the pulp, paper, and paperboard mills point source category : volume I, economic impact analysis / 1980
Economic impact and regulatory flexibility analysis of proposed effluent guidelines and NESHAP for the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry : final report. 1993
Economic impact of anticipated paper industry pollution, abatement costs : report to the Council on Environmental Quality / Arthur D. Little, Inc. 1972
Effect of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio on Activated Sludge Subsidence and Dewatering Characteristics. 1974
Effects of Kraft Mill Effluent on the Sexuality of Fishes: An Environmental Early Warning. 1992
Effects of Pulp Mill and Ore Smelter Effluents on Vertebrae of Fourhorn Sculpin: Laboratory and Field Comparisons. 1988
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