Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Photosynthesis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Cladophora' as Related to Pollution and Eutrophication in Western Lake Erie. 1973
A gas-exchange system for assessing plant performance in response to environmental stress / 1979
A review of the physiological impact of mercurials / 1974
A water quality modelling study of the Delaware Estuary / 1978
Air pollution injury to vegetation. 1970
Algal Photosynthesis, Algal Abundance, and Chemistry of Lake Water at Fairmont, Minnesota. 1973
Altitudinal Variation of Chlorophyll Concentration and Reflectance of the Bark of 'Populus tremuloides.' 1972
Analysis of the Relationships among O3 Uptake, Conductance, and Photosynthesis in Needles of 'Pinus ponderosa'. 1993
Aquatic photosynthesis / 1997
Aquatic photosynthesis / 2007
AQUATOX Technical Note 1: A Calibrated Parameter Set for Simulation of Algae in Shallow Rivers. 2009
Assessment of 1977 water quality conditions in the upper Potomac estuary / 1978
Bacterial photosynthesis. 1963
Biological and Chemical Aspects of Organic Waste Lagoons. 1956
Biological Associated Problems in Freshwater Environments. Their Identification, Investigation and Control. 1967
Biological Extraction and Accumulations in Streams. 1968
Carbon monoxide in the biosphere : CO emission by fresh-water algae / 1972
Chemical mechanisms in bioenergetics 1976
Chlorophyll a fluorescence : a signature of photosynthesis / 2004
Chlorophyll a fluorescence : a signature of photosynthesis / 2004
Chlorophyll fluorescence : understanding crop performance : basics and applications / 2017
Chronic Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Growth and Cell Volume of 'Phaeodactylum tricornutum' (Bacillariophyceae). 1992
Closed Chambers for Plant Studies of Chemical Uptake, Accumulation and Phytotoxicity (Proceedings). 1989
Community Photosynthesis and Respiration in Experimental Streams. 1982
Comparative Sensitivity of Binucleate and Trinucleate Pollen to Ultraviolet Radiation: A Theoretical Perspective. 1987
Comparison of Seasonal Patterns of Photosynthate Production and Use in Branches of Red Spruce Saplings at Two Elevations. 1991
Components of Oxygenation in Flowing Streams. 1967
Critique of carbon based tree growth models /{microfiche} 1990
Development, Replicability and Modeling of Naturally Derived Microcosms. 1978
Differential Photosynthetic Inhibition by Ultraviolet Radiation in Species from the Arctic-Alpine Life Zone (Journal Version). 1982
Ecologic Impact of the Interactions Among Microorganisms and Aquatic Contaminants in Lake Erie. Phase III. Parts 5, 6, and 7. 1973
Ecological Studies and Mathematical Modeling of 'Cladophora' in Lake Huron: 3. The Dependence of Growth Rates on Internal Phosphorous Pool Size (Journal Version). 1982
Ecological Studies and Mathematical Modeling of 'Cladophora' in Lake Huron: 4. Photosynthesis and Respiration as Functions of Light and Temperature. 1982
Ecological Studies and Mathematical Modeling of 'Cladophora' in Lake Huron: 6. Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Growth Kinetics. 1982
Ecophysiology of photosynthesis 1995
Effect of Antitranspirant Chemicals on the Transpiration and Physiology of Tamarisk. 1971
Effect of exposure to environmental normoxia and hypoxia on photoshynthetic rate and chlorophyll concentration in intertidal Zostera marina leaves 1995
Effect of Spectral Composition on Photosynthesis in Turbid Reservoirs. Photosynthetic Production in a Turbid Reservoir II. Details of an Incubation Model and Comments on the Effect of Light Quality on Photosynthesis. 1972
Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on Enzyme Activity in Tree Leaves. 1966
Effect, Uptake and Disposition of Nitrobenzene in Several Terrestrial Plants. 1990
Effects of a Hexachlorobiphenyl and Pentachlorophenol on Growth and Photosynthesis of Phytoplankton. 1982
Effects of Acidic Rain and Ozone on Nitrogen Fixation and Photosynthesis in the Lichen 'Lobaria pulmonaria' (L.) Hoffm. 1986
Effects of Atrazine on 'Zostera marina' in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. 1982
Effects of CO2 on Competition between Rice and Barnyardgrass. 1994
Effects of Complex Effluents on Photosynthesis in Lake Erie and Lake Huron. 1988
Effects of Copper Sulfate on Certain Algae and Zooplankters in Winnisquam Lake, New Hampshire. 1970
Effects of Environmental Conditions on Isoprene Emission from Live Oak. 1981
Effects of Halogenated Organic Compounds on Photosynthesis in Estuarine Phytoplankton. 1980
Effects of increased carbon dioxide on photosynthesis and agricultural productivity of soybeans : 1981 progress report 1982
Effects of Nitrogen Oxides on Vegetation. 1985
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