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Select Item Title Year Published
11th Symposium on Global Change Studies : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California ; Symposium on Lidar Atmospheric Monitoring : 9-14 January 2000, Long Beach, California / 2000
A comparative study of laser methods of air pollution mapping/ 1971
A lidar polarimeter technique of measuring suspended solids in water / 1981
A study of the effects of aerosol properties on scattering of laser light / 1971
Airborne Downlooking Lidar Measurements during State 78. 1981
Airborne investigations of clear air turbulence with optical radar / 1966
Airborne lidar measurements of aerosols, mixed layer heights, and ozone during the 1980 PEPE/NEROS summer field experiment / 1985
Airborne lidar monitoring of fluorescent dye particles as a tracer to characterize transport and dispersion : a feasibility study / 1984
Airborne lidar monitoring of fluorescent dye particles as a tracer to characterize transport and dispersion : a feasibility study / 1985
Airborne LIDAR Raps studies, February, 1974 / 1976
Airborne Lidar Tracking of Fluorescent Tracers for Atmospheric Transport and Diffusion Studies. 1985
Airborne measurements of power plant plumes in West Virginia : Kammer and Mitchell power plants, 25 August-11 September 1975 / 1979
Alternate method to reference method 9 alternate method 1 / determination of the opacity of emissions from stationary sources remotely by lidar. 1980
Alternate method to reference method 9 alternate method 1 : determination of the opacity of emissions from stationary sources remotely by lidar. 1981
Application of remote techniques in stationary source air emission monitoring / 1976
Comparative study of plume opacity measurement methods / 1979
Cumulus Cloud Venting of Mixed Layer Ozone. 1985
Data analysis report : lidar investigation of visible emissions : British Petroleum Refinery, [September 14-17, 1981] / 1981
Data analysis report, lidar investigation of visible emissions, Board of Public Utilities, Quindaro Station, Kansas City, Kansas [February 17-19, 1981] / 1981
Denver air pollution study, 1973 : proceedings of a symposium / 1976
Design Construction and Evaluation of a Mobile Lidar System for the Remote Measurement of Smoke Plume Opacity. 1971
Development and demonstration of low-level drift instrumentation / 1971
Development of measurement methodology for evaluating fugitive particulate emissions / 1981
Development of Measurement Methodology for Evaluating Fugitive Particulate Emissions. 1981
Development of measurement techniques for fugitive emissions from process and effluent streams / 1979
Development of range squared and off-gating modifications for a lidar system / 1973
Development of Range Squared and Off-Gating Modifications for a Lidar System. 1973
Energy/Environment II. Proceedings of National Conference on the Interagency R and D Program (2nd) Held at Washington, D.C. on June 6 and 7, 1977. 1977
Evidence for cloud venting of mixed layer ozone and aerosols / 1988
Feasibility of a CW lidar technique for measurement of plume opacity / 1973
Field evaluation of mobile lidar for the measurement of smoke plume opacity / 1976
Formation of a Detached Plume from a Cement Plant. 1983
High spatial resolution remote sensing : data, analysis, and applications / 2018
Instrument development for atmospheric research and monitoring : lidar profiling, DOAS, and tunable diode laser spectroscopy / 1997
Instrumental Sensing of Stationary Source Emissions. 1977
Laser remote chemical analysis 1988
Lidar and sodar support of the state program : Tennessee plume study : data presentations / 1979
Lidar monitored tracer particles / 1987
Lidar Observations of Mixed Layer Dynamics: Tests of Parameterized Entrainment Models of Mixed Layer Growth Rate. 1984
Lidar remote sensing and applications / 2017
LIDAR Studies of Stack Plumes in Rural and Urban Environments. 1973
Lidar study of stack plumes / 1969
Measurements of the high latitude middle atmosphere dynamic structure using lidar / 1987
Mobile lidar study of the Los Angeles mixing layer / 1976
Mobile lidar system developments and operating procedures / 1979
Omega-1 lidar : data analysis report, Central Illinois Light Company, Edwards Station, Bartonville, Illinois. 1980
Omega-1 lidar : data analysis report, Columbus and Souther Ohio Electric Company Conesville generating station, Conesville, Ohio. 1980
Omega-1 lidar : data analysis report, Indianapolis power and light company Petersburg generating station, Petersburg, Indiana. 1980
Omega-1 lidar : data analysis report, Northern Indiana Public Service Company, Mitchell generating station, Gary, Indiana. 1980
Omega-1 lidar : data analysis report, Olin Corporation, Covington, Indiana. 1980
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