Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Marine biology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF and PCBs in Marine Sediments and Biota: Laboratory and Field Studies. 1990
2003 update of ambient water quality criteria for copper : (CAS registry number 7440-50-8) / 2003
5th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions : integrating knowledge for managing impacts : selected papers of a Sea Grant College Program-ICES-PICES conference held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 21-24 May 2007 / 2007
7th European Symposium on Marine Biology Texel, 11-16 September 1972. 1973
A bibliography for lead. 1986
A biological study of the offshore waters of Chesapeake Bay / 1930
A check list of the biota of lower Chesapeake Bay : with inclusions from the upper bay and the Virginian Sea / 1972
A Literature review of the possible effects of gas supersaturation on aquatic organisms. 1985
A living bay : the underwater world of Monterey Bay / 2000
A proximate biological survey of San Diego Bay, California / 1975
A proximate biological survey of San Diego Bay, California / 1974
A proximate biological survey of San Diego Bay, California / 1975
A Report on seasonal occurrence of aquatic and marine invertebrates on the Santa Rosa Island campus / 0
A survey of the marine environment from Fort Ross, Sonoma County to Point Lobos, Monterey County; the final report of the California Department of Fish and Game to the San Francisco Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Program pursuant to Task order VII la (DFG) 1968
A symposium on water quality criteria to protect aquatic life, presented at the 96th annual meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, September 1966. Edwin L. Cooper, editor. 1967
A Synthesis of biological data from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound / 1983
Acenaphthene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acephate, aldicarb, carbophenothion, DEF, EPN, ethoprop, methyl parathion, and phorate: their acute and chronic toxicity, bioconcentration potential, and persistence as related to marine environments / 1981
Achieving the Chesapeake Bay nutrient goals : a synthesis of tributary strategies for the Bay's ten watersheds. 1994
Acidity-alkalinity (pH) : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Acrolein : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acta hydrobiologica. 1959
Active military sonar and marine mammals : chronology with references / 2005
Acute Toxicities of Cd2+, Cr+6, Hg2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ to Estuarine Macrofauna. 1976
Acute Toxicities of Selected Heavy Metals to the Softshell Clam, 'Mya arenaria'. 1977
Acute toxicity handbook of chemicals to estuarine organisms / 1987
Acute toxicity of certain pesticides to Acartia tonsa dana / 1976
Acute Toxicity of Interstitial and Particle-Bound Cadmium to a Marine Infaunal Amphipod. 1988
Acute Toxicity, Sublethal Effects and Bioconcentration of Chlorination Products, Viruses, and Bacteria in Edible Shellfish: A Review. 1989
Advanced concepts in ocean measurements for marine biology 1980
Advances in marine biology. 1963
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Airborne measurements of infrared sea temperature in the northern Gulf of Mexico / 1966
Aldrin/dieldrin : ambient water quality criteria / 1978
Algal productivity of the tropical Pacific as determined by isotope tracer techniques final report / 1964
Allan Hancock monographs in marine biology. 1966
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for aluminum. 1988
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for ammonia / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for arsenic / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine / 2003
Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Atrazine-Draft. 2001
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for cadmium / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for chromium / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for copper / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for cyanide / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for lead / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for nickel / 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for pentachlorophenol / 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for toxaphene / 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria nonylphenol 2005
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