Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lake Erie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Cladophora' as Related to Pollution and Eutrophication in Western Lake Erie. 1973
1981 atmospheric loading for Lake Erie / 1984
1982 open lake water quality conditions for Lake Erie / 1983
1983-1984 Oxygen depletion study / 1984
1985 open lake water quality conditions for Lake Erie's Western, Central and Eastern basins / 1987
1986 open lake water quality conditions for Lake Erie's Western, Central and Eastern basins / 1988
A microbiological survey in Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohio / 1971
A microbiological survey in Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohio / 1971
A phosphorus diet for the lower lakes : executive summary of the U.S. Task Force plans for phosphorus load reductions to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and Saginaw Bay. 1986
A preliminary report on the distribution of Cladophora in the western basin of Lake Erie / 1982
A two-mode free-surface numerical model for the three-dimensional time-dependent currents in large lakes / 1980
A water pollution investigation of the Detroit and the Michigan waters of Lake Erie / 1965
Abundance, composition, and distribution of crustacean zooplankton in relation to hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in west-central Lake Erie / 1977
Accelerated Conservation Tillage Demonstration Program 1981-1985. 1987
Adoption of reduced tillage and other conservation practices in the Lake Erie basin / 1979
Adsorption and Desorption of Zn, Cu, and Cr by Sediments from the Raisi River (Michigan). 1987
Aggregation and Disaggregation of Fine-Grained Lake Sediments. 1988
Algae-Temperature-Nutrient Relationships and Distribution in Lake Erie - 1968. 1971
Algae-temperature-nutrient relationships and distribution in Lake Erie / 1970
Algae-temperature-nutrient relationships and distribution in Lake Erie / 1972
Algal-temperature-nutrient relationships and distribution in Lake Erie / 1971
An ecological evaluation of a thermal discharge : Part I: physical and chemical limnology along the western shore of Lake Erie / 1972
An ecological evaluation of a thermal discharge : Part II: The distribution of phytoplankton and primary productivity near the western shore of Lake Erie / 1972
An ecological evaluation of a thermal discharge. Part III, The distribution of zooplankton along the western shore of Lake Erie / 1972
An experimental study of lake loading by aerosol transport and dry deposition in the Lake Erie Basin / 1984
An Experimental study of lake loading by aerosol transport and dry deposition in the Lake Erie Basin / 1984
An illustrated key to the planktonic rotifers of the Laurentian Great Lakes / 1977
Analytical and Experimental Studies of the Benthic Boundary Layer and Their Applicability to Near-Bottom Transport in Lake Erie. 1987
Appendix to Entrainment at a Once-Through Cooling System on Western Lake Erie. Volume II. Appendices. 1978
Application of a Conventional Fishery Model for Assessment of Entrainment and Impingement Impact (Journal Version). 1982
Applications of data collected along shore to conditions in Lake Erie 1960
Assessment of the bottom fauna and sediments of the western basin of Lake Erie, 1979 1981
Bio-Assay Investigations, National Aniline Division, Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation, Buffalo, New York. 1956
Biological availability of total phosphorus / 1979
Bottom Currents in Lake Erie {abstract} 1965
Checking the pulse of Lake Erie / 2008
Chemical and sediment movement from agricultural land into Lake Erie : supplement report, project 390X, June 30, 1972 to Sept. 30, 1972 (data for calendar year 1972) / 1973
Chemical and Sediment Movement from Agricultural Land into Lake Erie. 1972
Chemical extraction as an index of bioavailability of phosphate in Lake Erie basin suspended sediments / 1978
Chemistry, temperature, and secchi disc data for Hatchery Bay, western Lake Erie / 1996
Chloride and Nitrogen Concentrations Along the West Shore of Lake Erie. 1976
Combined sewer overflow treatment by screening and terminal ponding : Fort Wayne, Indiana / 1979
Comprehensive management of phosphorus water pollution, 1974
Comprehensive program of study, Lake Erie Basin. 1964
Conference in the matter of pollution of Lake Erie and its tributaries : proceedings, Cleveland - August 3-6, 1965. 1965
Conference in the matter of pollution of Lake Erie and its tributaries : proceedings. 1965
Conference in the matter of pollution of Lake Erie and its tributaries ; Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio : fifth session, Detroit, Michigan, June 3-4, 1970, vol. 1-2, proceedings / 1970
Conference in the matter of pollution of the navigable waters of the Detroit River and Lake Erie and their Tributaries in the State of Michigan : proceedings. 1965
Conference proceedings: pollution of Lake Erie and its tributaries, third session, Buffalo, New York, March 22, 1967. 1967
Correspondence between Spatial Patterns in Fish Assemblages in Ohio Streams and Aquatic Ecoregions. 1986
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