Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Information centers)

Select Item Title Year Published
Access EPA. Library and information services. 1990
Air Pollution Abstracts Index (Volume 2, Numbers 11-12, Volume 3, Numbers 1-6, November 1971-June 1972). 1972
Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC). Bibliographic Data File. 1977
Air Pollution Technical Information Center (APTIC). Open-End File. 1977
Air Pollution: Technical Information Survey. 1965
Analysis of Information Requirements of the Noise Abatement Community. 1972
Business case for information services : EPA's regional libraries and information centers / 2004
Categorical Programs Division: Summaries of Environmental Information Sources and Services. 1973
Control Technology Center : FY92, a summary of program accomplishments / 1993
Design and Operation of an Information Center on Analytical Methodology. 1971
Design of an Overview System for Evaluating the Public-Health Hazards of Chemicals in the Environment. Volume II. The Overview System. 1967
Draft Framework: Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Water Trails Network. 2000
Environmental Classification System. 1976
Ground Water Currents: Developments in Innovative Ground Water Treatment, Issue No. 13, September 1995. 1995
Guide to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Libraries and Information Centers (Seventh Edition). 1986
Guide to EPA libraries and information centers 1980
Guide to EPA libraries and information centers. 1985
Guide to EPA libraries and information services. 1989
Health hotlines : toll-free numbers from the National Library of Medicine's DIRLINE directory. 1996
Implementation of an Initial Network for an EPA Ocean Waste Disposal Information Center in the New York Bight. 1975
Information retrieval services of EPA's Office of Solid Waste Management Programs 1973
Information Retrieval Services of EPA's Office of Solid Waste Management Programs. 1973
Information Scanning and Processing at the Nuclear Safety Information Center. 1971
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : how the Clearinghouse can help to answer your air toxics questions / 1986
National Conference on Managing the Environment. 1973
National Environmental Information Symposium: An Agenda for Progress held at Cincinnati, Ohio on 24-27 September 1972. Volume I. Summary Report. 1973
National Environmental Information Symposium: An Agenda for Progress held at Cincinnati, Ohio on 24-27 September 1972. Volume II. Papers and Reports. 1973
Operation of the Analytical Methodology Information Center. 1973
Pan American Environmental Information Exchange Seminar on International Exchanges, Held at Washington, D.C. on March 15-26, 1976. 1976
Plan for a National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1978
Proceedings of the International Environmental Information Workshop Held at Washington, D.C. on May 28-30, 1975. 1976
Reassessment of noise concerns of other nations, 1976. 1976
Recommendations of the EPA/NBS workshop on the National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1977
Research Materials Information Center Bulletin and Status Report. 1971
Safer, Clear Environment through Compliance Assistance. 1997
Searching the Social Science Literature on Water: A Guide to Selected Information Storage and Retrieval Systems. Preliminary Version. 1972
State and local environmental libraries : a directory. 1976
State environmental libraries / 1990
Subject directory of special libraries and information centers. 1975
Superfund Information Repositories and Administrative Records: Introduction for Librarians. 1994
Systems Study of Data Availability on Natural Gas. 1971
Technology transfer : clearinghouses. 1988
Technology transfer : hotlines / 1990
The Establishment of a groundwater research data center for validation of subsurface flow and transport models / 1989
United States Army holdings and services scientific and technical information 1972
USA: Water Research Information - Where Is It. 1976
User's guide to the Environmental Protection Agency Library system. 1974
Waste Clearinghouses and Exchanges: New Ways for Identifying and Transferring Reusable Industrial Process Wastes. 1976
Water Quality Instructional Resources Information System (IRIS). Volume I, Users manual. 1976
Water Quality Instructional Resources Information System (IRIS). Volume III, Identification number master report. 1976

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