Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1993 municipal water and wastewater resource directory for Idaho city leaders. 1993
1996 Water quality status report / 1997
1997 revised forest plan : Targhee National Forest. 1997
1998 follow-up studies to ground water contamination detections / 1999
1998 Idaho water quality status report 1998
1:100 000-scale metric topographic map [of] Malad City, Idaho -Utah / 1984
314 clean lakes application : phase ii step ii [Bear Lake Preservation Project] / 1990
A biological and physical inventory of the streams within the Nez Perce Reservation / 1983
A flood-frequency relation based on regional record maxima / 1971
A Gap analysis of Idaho : August 2002 final report. 2002
A GIS inventory of Pacific Northwest lakes/reservoirs and an analysis of historical nutrient and water quality data / 2004
A preliminary analysis of the thermal regime of Dworshak Reservoir / 2003
A preliminary investigation into the use of crayfish as a sensitive species to pollutants in the Clark Fork River near Missoula, MT : research project technical completion report / 1983
A regional recreation demand and benefits model / 1983
A statistical model for estimating stream temperatures in the Salmon and Clearwater River basins, central Idaho / 2002
A study of air pollution in the interstate region of Lewiston, Idaho, and Clarkston, Washington. 1964
A water quality study of the Upper Clark Fork River and selected tributaries. 1972
Abundance, growth, distribution and movements of white sturgeon in the mid-Snake River : research technical completion report / 1977
Activities of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the Upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and Western Wyoming, 1991-2001. 1997
Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey : status of Idaho projects, fiscal year 1986 / 1986
Aerial radiological survey of Pocatello and Soda Springs, Idaho and surrounding area, June-July 1986. 1987
Agricultural pollution abatement plan : Plummer Creek watershed, Benewah County final planning report / 1990
Air : Idaho's air enforcement program / 1998
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans : Idaho / 1978
Air Resource Management Program : Region 1. 1997
Air Tribal Strategic Plan. U.S. EPA Region 10. Office of Air, Waste and Toxics. 2009
Airborne particulate radioactivity measurements in Pocatello, Idaho / 1980
Airborne Particulate Radioactivity Measurements in Pocatello, Idaho. 1979
Alaska Native Village Air Quality Fact Sheet Series : Solid Waste Burning / 2014
Alaska native village air quality fact sheet series: Solid waste burning 2010
Ambient air analysis of Bunker Hill lead emissions / 1981
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs in nutrient ecoregion III : xeric west including all or parts of the states of : Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, and the authorized Tribes within the ecoregion. 2001
Amended record of decision, decision summary and responsiveness summary for the revised remedial action : Union Pacific Railroad Sludge Pit Superfund site in Pocatello, Idaho. 1994
American Falls resource management plan 1995
American Falls Subbasin Total Maximum Daily Load Plan: Subbasin Assessment and Loading Analysis. 2006
An Analysis of Feasible Alternatives to Current Irrigation Disposal Well Practices 1983
An evaluation of the western phosphate industry and its resources (in five parts). 3, Idaho / 1966
An expost study of the economic performance of federal investments in flood control projects in the Boise Valley, Idaho / 1977
An Integrated study on the impact of metallic trace element pollution in the Coeur d'Alene-Spokane rivers and lake drainage system / 1975
Analysis of hydrologic and water quality data for American Falls Reservoir, Idaho 2005
Annual ground water contamination report 1991
Annular Denuder Results from Boise, ID. 1988
Antelope-Pine Creek Area, Bonneville, Jefferson, Madison and Teton Counties, Idaho 1988-1989 / 1991
Application of a parameter-estimation technique to modeling the regional aquifer underlying the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho / 1986
Application of field measurements and computer modeling to evaluate deep mine shaft stability in northern Idaho 1996
Aquatic and streamside environmental conditions of Bear Valley Creek, Idaho (1967-1974) : Boise National Forest : Bear Valley Creek Rehabilitation Team member report / 1977
Aquatic ecology of the Spokane River between Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls, Idaho 1980 / 1982
Aquatic natural areas in Idaho 1977
Aquatic resources in the nature conservancy portion of Silver Creek / 1979
Area and Point Source Inventories in the States of Alaska, Idaho and Washington. 1974
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