Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,3-Dinitrobenzene and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene. 1996
104-week chronic toxicity study of in rats : dinitrotoluene / 1982
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) transformation/sorption in thin-disk soil columns 1995
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) transformation/sorption in thin-disk soil columns under anaerobic conditions 1996
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. 1996
2016 emergency response guidebook : a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving dangerous goods/hazardous materials. 2016
24-month chronic inhalation toxicicity and carcinogenicity study with toluene in albino rats : report of audit / 1982
A citizen's guide to phytoremediation : technology fact sheet / 1998
Adduction of Nitroaromatic Compounds with Blood Proteins and DNA as Biological Markers of Exposure. 1997
Alternatives for hazardous waste management in the organic chemical, pesticides and explosives industries 1977
An SAB report : review of explosives and flammables criteria / 1992
Analytical method for determining tetrazene in water 1987
Assessment of Formaldehyde as a Potential Air Pollution Problem. Volume VIII. 1976
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices, organic chemicals, pesticides, and explosives industries / 1976
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for characteristic ignitable wastes (D001), characteristic corrosive wastes (D002), characteristic reactive wastes (D003), and P and U wastes containing reactive listing constituents : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K046 (addendum) : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K046 nonreactive subcategory : final. 1988
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for wastes from the production of dinitrotoluene, toluenediamine, and toluene diisocyanate K027, K111, K112, K113, K114, K115, U221, and U223 : final. 1989
Biodegradation of nitroaromatic compounds and explosives 2000
Case Studies of Hazardous Waste Treatment to Remove Volatile Organics. Volume 1. 1987
Characterization of explosives contamination at military firing ranges 2001
Characterization of explosives processing waste decomposition due to composting 1991
Characterization of explosives processing waste decomposition due to composting 1990
Commercial explosives and their hazards 1994
Comparison of extraction techniques and solvents for explosive residues in soil 1985
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No. 14 (Including Supplements 1-7). 1983
Composting explosives/organics contaminated soils 1986
Composting. 1996
Containing the threat from illegal bombings : an integrated national strategy for marking, tagging, rendering inert, and licensing explosives and their precursors / 1998
Contractor Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Explosives Manufacturing Point Source Category. 1981
Control techniques for nitrogen oxides emissions from stationary sources. 1978
Convulsant Properties of Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX): Spontaneous, Audiogenic, and Amygdaloid Kindled Seizure Activity (Journal Version). 1988
Costs of remedial response actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites / 1981
Costs of remedial response actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites / 1982
Data Deficiencies, Problem Areas, and Recommendations for Additional Database Development for Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate (DEGDN). 1992
Detecting metallic primary explosives with a portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometer / 1997
Determination of Explosives and Related Compounds in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). Revision 1.0. Method 529. 2002
Development document for interim final effluent limitations guidelines and proposed new source performance standards for the explosives manufacturing point source category. 1976
Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards for the Explosives Manufacturing Point Source Category. Subcategory E. Formulation and Packaging of Blasting Agents, Dynamite, and Pyrotechnics (Draft). 1979
Development of a membrane for in-situ optical detection of TNT 1988
Development of a Polymeric Cementing and Encapsulating Process for Managing Hazardous Wastes. 1977
Development of an analytical method for the determination of explosive residues in soil part III. Collaborative test results and final performance evaluation / 1989
Development of an Integrated Mobile Meterological Monitoring System for Use in Open Burning and Open Detonation Activities. 1996
Development of Industrial Hygiene Sampling and Analytical Methodology for Evaluation of Exposures to TNT and Associated Explosives. 1975
Diffusion and drive-point sampling to detect ordnance-related compounds in shallow ground water beneath Snake Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2001-02 2003
Disposal of hazardous wastes : report to Congress. 1974
Disposal of hazardous wastes : transportation. 1977
Draft : toxicological profile for RDX / 2010
Economic analysis of interim final effluent guidelines for selected segments of the explosives industry : group II. 1976
Economic impact analysis of anticipated hazardous waste regulations on the industrial organic chemicals, pesticides, and explosives industries / 1978
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