Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electrochemistry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abiotic Reduction of Nitro Aromatic Pesticides in Anaerobic Laboratory Systems. 1989
Abundant nuclear energy : proceedings of a symposium held at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, August 26-29, 1968. 1969
Accuracy of Ross pH Combination Electrodes in Dilute Sulphuric Acid Standards. 1987
Alternating Current Electrocoagulation for Superfund Site Remediation. 1993
Analysis of inorganic and organic chloramines : derivatization with 2-mercaptobenzothiazole / 1989
Analysis of Solutions for Surface Active Agents. 1970
Application of a Swept-Potential Electrochemical Detector in the Liquid-Chromatographic Determination of Nitrosamines. 1985
Atlas of electrochemical equilibria in aqueous solutions 1974
Atlas of electrochemical equilibria in aqueous solutions, 1966
Automated In Situ water quality sensor workshop February 14-16, 1978 / 1978
Automatic Beaker Sample Changer. 1970
Bioelectrodes. 1968
Biological electrodes specific for phosphate and nitrite ions / 1976
CAM-4, a portable warning device for organophosphate hazardous material spills / 1980
Carbon oxidation catalyst mechanism study for fuel cells / 1976
Chemical Characteristics of Organic Color in Water. 1970
Chemical engineering. 1946
Chemical reactions in electrical discharges; a symposium. 1969
Comparative Analysis of the Electrostatic Potentials of Dibenzofuran and Some Dibenzo-p-dioxins. 1986
Concepts for development of field usable test atmosphere generating devices. 1973
Construction and Testing of Electrochemical N02 PSDs. 1989
Copper Complexation by Natural Organic Matter in Contaminated and Uncontaminated Ground Water. 1990
Copper Recovery Using a Tumbled-Bed Electrochemical Reactor. 1981
CRC handbook series in inorganic electrochemistry 1980
Current methods to measure atmospheric nitric acid and nitrate artifacts / 1979
Cycled Operation of Water Vapor Electrolysis Cell Annual Report, 1 Jan. - 31 Dec. 1970. 1971
Cyclic Voltammetry of Organic and Inorganic N-Chloramines in Aqueous Solution. 1984
Derivation of a Damage Function for Galvanized Steel Structures: Corrosion Kinetics and Thermodynamic Considerations. 1990
Determination of Halogenated Anilines and Related Compounds by HPLC with Electrochemical and UV Detection. 1978
Determination of pH theory and practice 1973
Determination of pH theory and practice / 1985
Determination of pH; theory and practice. 1964
Determination of trace metals in effluents by differential pulse anodic stripping voltametry / 1977
Development and Evaluation of an Instantaneous Atmospheric Corrosion Rate Monitor. 1985
Dictionary of electrochemistry 1984
Diffusivity of Bisulfide Ion in Aqueous Solution. 1972
Electro-organic synthesis technology 1979
Electroanalysis. 1989
Electrocatalysis for organic synthesis 1986
Electrochemical Activation and Regeneration of Carbon Surfaces for Tertiary Water Treatment. 1971
Electrochemical and solid-state letters. 1998
Electrochemical Carbon Regeneration. 1972
Electrochemical corrosion testing : a symposium / 1981
Electrochemical data 1974
Electrochemical Detection in Liquid Chromatography: Application to Organometallic Speciation. 1977
Electrochemical engineering applications 1987
Electrochemical materials science 1981
Electrochemical Method for Removal of Phosphates from Waste Waters. 1970
Electrochemical Method for the Determination of Phosphate in Natural Water. 1972
Electrochemical methods : fundamentals and applications / 1980
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