Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2024
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electric power)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1983 Northwest conservation and electric power plan adopted pursuant to the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-501), April 27, 1983. 1983
1991 Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan. 1991
20% wind energy by 2030 : increasing wind energy's contribution to U.S. electricity supply / 2008
A balanced energy plan for the interior West / 2004
A Demonstration of beneficial uses of warm water from condensers of electric generating plants / 1980
A guide to mathematical models used in steam electric power plant environmental impact assessment / 1978
A manual for the use of electrostatic precipitators to collect fly ash particles / 1980
A manual for the use of electrostatic precipitators to collect fly ash particles / 1980
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1975
A method for evaluating SO2 abatement strategies / 1975
A partial differential equation model of fish population dynamics and its application in impingement impact analysis / 1980
A review of regional-scale air quality models for long distance dispersion modeling in the Four Corners area / 1978
A review of thermal plume modeling / 1978
A small scale biomass fueled gas turbine engine / 1998
A state-of-the-art report on intake technologies / 1976
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
A study of prospective water pollution control activities for the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). 1975
A survey of California coastal power plants / 1970
A technical, environmental and economic evaluation of the "wet processing system for the recovery and disposal of municipal solid waste" : a study / 1975
A test simulation of potential effects of thermal power plants on streams in the upper Mississippi River basin / 1968
A thermal study of Piti Channel, Guam, and adjacent areas, and the influence of power plant operations on the marine environment / 1973
Abatement of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1972
Abatement of Sulfur Oxide Emissions from Stationary Combustion Sources. 1970
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Northern Great Plains Resource Program. 1973
Accuracy and reliability of CEMS Subpart Da (electric utilities) facilities 1990
Accuracy of remotely sensed SO2 mass emission rates / 1979
Achievement through partnership : a progress report through 2000. 2002
Acid deposition : decision framework 1982
Acid Deposition Strategies, the LIMB (Limestone Injection/Multistage Burners) Program and Implications for Control Technology Requirements. 1985
Acid rain & electric utilities : permits, allowances, monitoring, & meteorology : proceedings of the International Specialty Conference / 1995
Acid rain & electric utilities permits, allowances, monitoring, & meteorology / {electronic resource} : 1995
Acid rain control options. 1990
Acid Rain Hourly Emiossions Data 2011 (Raw Data File on DVD). 2011
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data (Raw Data File) (on CD-ROM). 2003
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data (Raw Data File) (on CD-ROM). 2005
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data (Raw Data File) (on CD-ROM). 2007
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data (Raw Data File) (on CD-ROM). 2001
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data (Raw Data Only) (on CD-ROM). 1998
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 1997 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 1997
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 1998 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 1998
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 1999 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 1999
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2000 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2001
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2001 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2002
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2002 (Raw Data on 2 CD-ROMS). 2002
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2003 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2004
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2004 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2004
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2005 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2005
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2006 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2006
Acid Rain Hourly Emissions Data 2007 (Raw Data File on CD-ROM). 2007
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